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Today the Belogorka estate, unfortunately, is a pretty sad sight. But even at the very beginning of the 20th century a wonderful palace was erected here in the modern-style modernist architectural style and an amazing landscape park was built. Today the estate is in a dilapidated state, the park is overgrown, but despite this, Belogorka is a very interesting and definitely worth visiting place.

Belogorka Estate dates back to the late 18th century when Emperor Pavel the First gave it to General Malyutin . However, the land was soon partially sold to the leader of the local nobility F . Belu . At that time the estate was called "Gorka", after it was named "Belyagorka", and its name, by which we know it so far, was received only at the beginning 20th century . Owners of the estate often changed, o These masters of the last landowner was Belogorka Novitsky, after whose death the manor moved his wife Elizabeth Alexandrovna Eliseeva . At that time, the manor restructured, renewed and equipped with modern amenities .

In 1906 .here was built the St. Nicholas Church, the author of the project was the well-known architect C . And . Ovsyannikov . In 1912 on the site of the old manor house there is a magnificent palace in the Art Nouveau style erected under the direction of . P . Tavlinova . Unfortunately, the masters of the estate were not destined to enjoy life here for long - in October 1917 a Bolshevik coup occurred and Belogorck's homestead was nationalized .In 1925 . in its territory was located an experimental agricultural station, which in the mid-fifties turned into a scientific research institute .

The main manor house at one time served as a holiday home. Currently, the estate is occupied by a research institute with a terrible name SZNIISHH (North-West Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture). The manor house of Eliseev has now become private property and is gradually being restored.
The Belogorka estate dates back to the end of the 18th century, when Emperor Pavel the First gave it to General Malyutin

The palace built in the Art Nouveau style was surrounded by a beautiful backyard park with paths . To this day oaks, lindens, birch, spruce and fir, the age of some of them totals up to a century and a half . The wall that separates the park from the north is also preserved - from here the magnificent views of the Oredezhi River and its wooded banks open . The wrought-iron lattice borders Belogorka Manor Park from the south . @ Unfortunately, despite all the the charm and beauty of the park, today it is cluttered . Everywhere there is an obscene kind of greenhouse and greenhouse . Right in the clearing that was located in front of the palace, young plantings were planted in a chaotic order . Thus a beautiful view of the main manor house , once opened from the entrance .

From the palace today the view of the dilapidated Belogorsky hydroelectric power station opens. But a much more pleasant landscape is the red sandstone located just below the dam, which, in combination with the dark green of the fir trees, gives a tremendous effect.

How to get there

The distance from St. Petersburg is about 75 km, the journey time is about 2 hours. You need to go on the highway M11 or M20. On an electric train from St. Petersburg Baltic to "Siverskaya" station, then by shuttle taxi No. 2E.

 Belogorka, Leningrad region  Belogorka