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Stroganov Palace in the center of St. Petersburg - a unique building in the Baroque style, built in the 18th century. This huge house belonged to the old merchant family of Stroganovs. The Stroganov Palace's history deserves special attention.

Stroganov Palace was ready in record time: it was built in just two years. Already in 1754, on the occasion of housewarming, Stroganov arranged a magnificent ball, to which even Queen Elizabeth Petrovna came.

In 1742, Baron Sergei Stroganov bought a wooden house on Nevsky Prospekt . In the neighborhood lived Mr. Shestakov - cook of the emperor . @ Stroganov, who dreamed of building a large stone house here, always asked his neighbor to sell him his piece of land . But Shestakov did not want to part with the housing . Then Stroganov decided to just rebuild his own house . For this he hired the most famous St. Petersburg architect Rastrelli . A bit later the fate of the baron was realized by the will of fate . Wooden buildings on Nevsky suffered during the fire, and the neighboring land still went to Stroganov .

Rastrelli never engaged in the construction of private houses, because he was the court architect. But for Stroganov an exception was made:

The palace was ready in record time: it was built in only two years. Already in 1754 on the occasion of housewarming Stroganov arranged a magnificent ball, which even Queen Elizabeth Petrovna came. Empress luxury building, consisting of 50 rooms, had to taste. Interestingly, she noted her next birthday at the Stroganovs

Stroganov Palace

Subsequently, the Stroganov Palace was owned by the descendants of Sergei Grigorievich . His sons Alexander and Pavel made their adjustments to the interior and exterior of the house . But at the end 18th century there was a fire in the palace that destroyed almost all . Only the Ballroom remained intact . Today this is the only ceremonial building created by Rastrelli that did not have to be restored . Gradually the Stroganov Palace was revived and it became the center of the cult again of the northern capital of the Northern capital . Many famous people of Petersburg were at the local balls and masquerades: Krylov, Derzhavin, Fonvizin . In addition, the Stroganov Palace had beautiful works of art - huge collections of paintings and sculptures, and the local library was considered one of the most the richest in the country .

The Stroganov family lived on a broad footing. In the palace there were a lot of attendants - 600 people. In addition, the owners of the palace were very generous people. In the courtyard they often arranged "open dinners", to which even outsiders and poor St. Petersburgers could come. During such meals Stroganovs treated the townspeople to delicious dishes. By the way, we owe the appearance of the popular Russian cuisine of bef stroganoff to this family.

After the revolution, the Stroganov Palace was nationalized, and its owners went abroad. First, the historical and everyday museum was opened in the building, and after a while the Academy of Agriculture moved here. All collections of Stroganoffs were transferred to the Hermitage, and the library to the Tomsk University. Currently, the Stroganov Palace is part of the Russian Museum

Practical Information

Address of the Stroganov Palace: 17 Nevsky Prospekt, St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt Metro Station

The cost of visiting the palace for adults is 300 rubles, for schoolchildren and students - 150 rubles, for preschool children - for free. A complex ticket for visiting Stroganov, Mikhailovsky, Marble palaces and Mikhailovsky Castle, designed for three days, will cost 600 rubles. For pupils and students - 300 rubles

All prices are indicated in October 2013.

 Stroganov Palace, St. Petersburg  Stroganov Palace
Stroganov Palace @ Stroganov Palace
 Stroganov Palace at night, St. Petersburg  Stroganov Palace
Stroganov Palace at night
 Luxurious chandelier in Stroganov Palace, St.- Petersburg  Stroganov Palace
Luxurious chandelier in Stroganov Palace
 Interior of Stroganov Palace, St. Petersburg  Stroganov Palace
Interior of Stroganov Palace
 Great Hall , Stroganov Palace, St. Petersburg Stroganov Palace
Great Hall, Stroganov Palace