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The Marble Palace, located in the center of the Northern Capital, is considered one of the most majestic and striking buildings of the city. This architectural monument of the 18th century is truly unique. The fact is that this is the first building in St. Petersburg, in the decoration of the facade of which a natural material, marble, was used. It should be noted that 32 types of marble brought from different countries were used for construction

Marble Palace became a gift for the favorite of the Queen - Grigory Orlov. Catherine decided to thank Grigory Grigoryevich generously for helping her to become empress.

Initially, on the site of the Marble Palace was a two-story building of the Postal courtyard constructed by the project of Domenico Trezzini . Here Peter I held his assemblies and celebrations . Also in the building there were a restaurant, a hotel and a post office . It is interesting that in good weather Peter came here on foot from the Summer Garden .In winter the hotel guests lived like a powder keg . If the tsar unexpectedly came to the Post Court, then all the tenants were immediately evicted . After a while, the Manezh was built here, and the post moved to another place . But the new Manezh building already in 1737 burned .

Marble Palace

In 1769, under the decree of Catherine II, a large-scale construction of the Marble Palace started here under the guidance of architect Antonio Rinaldi . This magnificent building became a gift for the favorite of the queen - Grigory Orlov . Catherine decided generously thank Grigory Grigorye vich for the fact that he helped her to become empress . Of course, Orlov could not fail to make a return gift and as a present he chose a luxurious diamond "Nadir Shah" . The cost of the stone was 460 thousand rubles - fabulous money for that time @ By the way, about the same amount of money was spent on the construction of the Marble Palace itself .. There is a version that Catherine II personally sketched out the project of the Marble Palace.

Marble Palace, St. Petersburg
 Marble Palace  Marble Palace
White Hall, Marble Palace, St. Petersburg
 Marble Palace  Marble Palace
Winter Garden, Marble Palace, St. Petersburg
 Marble Palace  Marble Palace
Marble for the facing of the building was brought from Italy, Greece and Russia.

It is interesting that the foundation of the building was a large box of coins, which is also made of marble, is laid. At the construction site of the Marble Palace, about 300 people worked daily. The Empress personally followed the progress of the work and encouraged the most active builders.

The interior of the Marble Palace impresses with its splendor. Here everything was thought out to the last detail. The main staircase was decorated with statues of Morning, Day, Evening and Night, as well as sculptural groups embodying the spring and autumn equinox. In addition to the luxurious halls, there was a library, a large picture gallery, bedrooms, living rooms, study, Turkish and Greek baths. The construction of this huge house was delayed. Count Orlov died, and did not see the palace in its final form. However, in those years he was no longer the favorite of the empress.

Later the Marble Palace belonged to the grandson of Catherine II Konstantin Pavlovich Romanov and his children. After the revolution, the building was nationalized, and all the rich collections were handed over to the Hermitage. In the palace at various times there were organizations such as the People's Commissariat of Education, the Administration of Palace Palaces, the Central Bureau of Local History and others. In 1992, the house was given over to the Russian Museum. The equestrian monument to Alexander III was erected in front of the building

Practical information

The Marble Palace is located at 5/1 Millionnaya Street, metro station "Nevsky Prospect"

Ticket price for adult visitors - 300 rubles, for schoolchildren and students - 150 rubles. You can purchase a comprehensive ticket to visit the Marble, Mikhailovsky, Stroganov palaces and Mikhailovsky Castle for 600 rubles. The preferential price of such a ticket is 300 rubles. For photography, you will have to pay an additional 250 rubles

All prices are indicated in October 2013.

Address: Millionnaya St., 5/1

Interior of the Marble Palace, St. Petersburg

 Marble Palace  Marble Palace
Monument to Alexander III, Marble Palace, St. Petersburg
 Marble Palace  Marble Palace palace
Marble Hall, Marble Palace, St. Petersburg
 Marble Palace  Marble Palace
Marble Hall