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Want to take a look at the marsh and dunes immediately, take a dip on the sandy beach and walk along the banks of the beautiful river, not to mention what is the sulfur bath? Then you need a national park "Kemeri". This huge territory covers an area of ​​38 hectares, most of them being the Gulf of Riga.

"Kemeri" National Park appeared on this place only in 1997, but it was known much earlier: the story tells that in such picturesque places Once there lived a forester, his name was Kremer. He took on a difficult duty - in addition to watching the forest, was a guide for all who came here, and even built here the first house where guests could stay.

After a short time, there was a village called Kremer, where still went for excursions. In all this history it remains unclear why the name Kremer passed into the name of Kemeri, but the picture is as follows: till now they go to the "Kemeri" park for sulfur baths, there are in-demand tours.

Want to look at the swamp and dunes immediately, swim on the sandy beach and walk along the banks of a beautiful river, not to mention to find out what a sulfur bath? Then you need the national park "Kemeri."

There are several routes in the park: a road near the lake, a swamp bridge over the swamp, a fortress path, and towers for watching birds. One of such facilities is floating, allows you to watch waterfowl.

"Kemeri" National Park

There are wartime evidence on the territory of the national park - in 1915 soldiers were digging trenches in the dunes, there are graves and a cemetery.

If look from the point of view of geology, then the park itself is the former shores of the Litor Sea. It was on the banks of this ancient reservoir that dunes appeared, here lakes arose. In the north-west in the park there are mountains and Valguma lake, whose depth reaches 30 meters.

But the most interesting is one of the peat bogs in Latvia: the Great meadow swamp. 25% of the plants of the national park "Kemeri" are those plants that you will find on the pages of the Red Book

As for the sulfur baths, they originated in the territory of the national reserve under the influence of the deposits of dolomite and marsh water. That's why already from the 18th century in Kemeri, both residents of Latvia and foreign guests were drawn for recovery. And those who do not intend to be treated, it is possible to offer a different service: order tours with bird and bats, the cost of such excursions sometimes includes a canoe rental. At the national park there is a school of natural history - a gift for children.