Life Milan

Website booking hotels published a list of cities, hotels whose greatest number of reservations at the time of the spring school holidays in 2014 were registered.

The foreign section of directions was headed by the Italian capital of shopping - that's where the majority of independent Russian travelers will go from March 24 to March 31 . The second place was taken by the traditionally expensive Vienna, in which our compatriots Nicky going to spend the most money (the average cost of hotel reservations made 6 400 rubles per day) . Barcelona closed the top three with the longest duration of stay - 6 days . Fully Top 10 most popular foreign cities for spring break is as follows :

  1. Milan
  2. Vienna
  3. Barcelona
  4. Paris
  5. Florence
  6. Budapest
  7. Berlin
  8. Prague
  9. Amsterdam
  10. Tallinn .

In the Russian section everything is unchanged: St. Petersburg still holds the leading position in terms of the number of scheduled trips marches.

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