Tours to Tel Aviv can be safely advised to those who are not averse to enjoying equally ancient Middle Eastern exotics and modern entertainment, in terms of the number and quality of which this city holds the palm tree almost in the entire Eastern Mediterranean region . Jolly, noisy and bright Tel Aviv - a great place for a whole range of vacation activities - staying on the beach, shopping, walking through bars, restaurants and nightclubs and, last but not least, enjoying high fabrics: nearby Jaffa - the perpetrators in the Bible and one of the oldest cities in the world .

Those who like laser smoke and the frenzy of night dances prefer eternal values ​​will appreciate the wonderful museums of Tel Aviv, artistic and historical.
 Tours in Tel Aviv
Israeli tour operator Shalom Israel Travel
All Israeli beauties for 8 days from 543 USD
Hot Eilat and Jerusalim from 924 USD - flight included!
Israel and Jordan from 751 USD
Rest on the Dead Sea in the Spa Hotel from 596 USD
(495) 204-10-79, (812) 425-01-72 • shalom-travel .ru
 Tours to Tel Aviv
Flight to Israel - as a gift!
On the most popular tours: Beach Eilat - 629 USD • Acquaintance with Israel - 549 USD • Recovery on the Dead Sea - 866 USD • Travel on 3 seas 10n - 665 USD.
Number of tickets is limited!
Israeli tour operator with Israeli license.
(495) 668-08-41, (812) 336-42-41 •
 Tours to Tel Aviv
Israeli tour operator
Classic Israel from 774 USD
Eilat. Affectionate beach from 500 USD - flight included!
Israel + Jordan from 751 USD
SPA tours to the Dead Sea from 561 USD
(495) 204-19-12, (812) 429-71-52 •
 Tours to Tel Aviv
Best offers from the Israeli tour operator
Additional discounts for children and pensioners
Magic trip to Israel - from 675 USD
Eilat - the sun all year round - from 490 USD. (including air travel)
Relax at the Dead Sea - from 546 USD.
Christian sacred places of Israel and Jordan - from 720 USD.
(495) 204-27-75, (812) 424-43-52 •
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Beach tours in Tel Aviv

Rest in Tel-Aviv begins first of all with the beach . Sandy, "on-site" and public, arranged and "wild", they stretch from the northern outskirts of the city, through the bubbling center and the picturesque Jaffa, to the south, the Israelites have a cozy resort Bat Yam ("Little Mermaid") . Budget tourists will appreciate the democratic prices in the city hotels of Tel Aviv - even though the beach will have to pass, but the service here is not worse, and the cost of the accommodation is much lower . However, the adherents of life will not stay without a hotel - at the seaside, it is located from a dozen high-class "fencers" with modern spa centers in the arsenal . In addition, Tel Aviv is perhaps the most " long-playing "resort of Israel - life here does not cease and in the traditional for the Mediterranean low season from November to March .

Neskuchny rest in Tel Aviv

A whole bunch of entertainment in walking distance - a characteristic feature of Tel Aviv . Magnificent restaurants, a lot of bars - from elite to the democratic, the best in the Middle East discos and nightclubs will not get bored in the evenings, and excellent shopping opportunities will be "pulled out" even the most "plant" tourists @ from the hotel. . Those who prefer eternal values ​​to laser smoke and frenzy of night dances appreciate the remarkable museums of Tel Aviv, art and history . Well, you can feel the color of the Arab and Jewish neighborhoods for more than one century of bubbling markets of the Yemeni quarter and ancient Jaffa . Many choose combined tours to Israel, alo which lies in the gay Tel Aviv, continued - somewhere in the salty Dead Sea, well, powerful finale - in the eternal Jerusalem .