Add a review about the Museum of Japanese Art of Tikotin

The Museum of Japanese Art of Tikotin in Haifa is the only museum of its kind in the Middle East. It was founded in 1959 on the initiative of Felix Tikotin, a Dutch architect and art historian and a Jew by descent, as well as the then mayor of the city, Abba Khushi. The museum exposition was based on 4 thousand items from Tikotin's own collection, which he collected more than 40 years ago.

Originally the collection was placed in the Kish House mansion, and still there are administrative rooms, a Japanese hall and artists' studios . At the same time, the construction of the Japanese pavilion, designed in the appropriate style and intended to become the main exhibition platform ., started in 1959 at the same time . And today this pavilion meets the expectations of those who aspire to imbued with the spirit of Japan: Traditional sliding doors with paper doors and wooden frames are installed, and harmonious natural colors are used in the decoration . New wing was attached to the museum in the early 1990s . according to the project of the eminent Japanese architect Yoshimura, and it is organically combined with the first corps .

Tikotin's idea was not just to show the public the beautiful things made in Japan. He dreamed of conveying the atmosphere and rich culture of the country, a desire to study it deeply and thoughtfully.

The collection of the museum includes about 7 thousand exhibits. These are not only art objects, but also decorative and applied products. Here you can see paintings and engravings, silk paintings and exquisite fabrics, originals of old books with illustrations, Netsuke figures, as well as real ancient swords. Initially, the main emphasis in the collection was made on the art of the 17-19 centuries, but subsequently it expanded significantly due to the work of modern authors and continues to grow thanks to private donations.

In 2000 the Tikotin Museum received a special award from the Japan Foundation for the Development of Cultural Relations. And in 2003 the committee at the Ministry of Education and Culture of Israel called the museum the second-highest quality exhibition in the country

Among the real gems of the museum collection are marvelous bamboo boxes for incense and writing materials encrusted with precious metals, tea cups of the 17th century, Buddhist a ceremonial tray of the 14th century from lacquered wood encrusted with pearls, and pictures-hieroglyphics of Katsuo Ishii's brush

The idea of ​​Tikotin was not just to show the public the beautiful things made in Japan . He dreamed of conveying the atmosphere and rich culture of the country, a desire to study it deeply and thoughtfully . Both the museum itself, and the procedures established in it, and the surrounding area are designed to enhance this impression from the "island of Japan" in the Mediterranean Sea . So, at the entrance visitors walk along the wooden bridge through the bamboo grove, and with the change of the year the exposition of the halls and their furniture also change in accordance with the Japanese tradition . In addition, the museum employs language courses, holds master classes in cooking, ikebana, calligraphy, and also h Aiynye ceremonies and film screenings .

The museum has a souvenir shop where you can buy products from Japan and the Far East, as well as gizmos in Japanese style

Practical information

Address: HaNassi Ave, 89. The museum is located on the slope of Mount Carmel, very close to the entrance to the Baha'i Gardens.

Working hours: Sunday - Wednesday: 10:00 to 16:00, Thursday: 10:00 to 19:00, Friday: from 10:00 to 13:00, Saturday: 10:00 to 15:00.

Entrance: 30 NIS (May 2014).