Add a review about the Museum of Ludwig in Cologne

The basis of the exhibition of the Museum Ludwig was a collection of German businessman Peter Ludwig, after the death of bequeathed his meeting to the city. The exposition is represented by the works of the surrealists, the Russian pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary avant-garde, Pablo Picasso, German expressionism, pop art, graphic art, photo and video art

Ludwig Museum in Cologne

Address: Köln, Heinrich-Boll-Platz.

Working hours: 10:00 - 18:00. Weekend: Monday.

Entrance: The cost of the full ticket is 11 EUR. For visitors under 18, admission is free.

Information is indicated on June 6, 2014

 Ludwig Museum in Cologne  Ludwig Museum in Cologne
Ludwig Museum in Cologne
 Entrance to the Ludwig Museum, Cologne  Ludwig Museum in Cologne
@ Entrance to the Ludwig Museum, Cologne
 Exhibition at the entrance to the Ludwig Museum, Cologne  Ludwig Museum in Cologne
Exhibition at the entrance to the Ludwig Museum, Ke flax
 Ludwig Museum in the evening, Cologne  Ludwig Museum in Cologne
Ludwig Museum in the evening, Cologne
 One of the exhibits, Ludwig Museum, Cologne  Ludwig Museum in Cologne
One of the exhibits, Ludwig Museum, Cologne
 Souvenir shop , Ludwig Museum, Cologne  Ludwig Museum in Cologne
Souvenir shop, Ludwig Museum, Cologne
 Oskar Kokoschka, Museum Ludwig, K flax  in Cologne Museum Ludwig in Cologne
Oskar Kokoschka, Ludwig Museum, Cologne