Add a review about the Papal Palace in Avignon

The Papal Palace in Avignon probably was not missed by any of the tourists who came to the city, and this is natural: a rare example of medieval Gothic, the largest Gothic palace in Europe, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, one of the most visited tourist sites in France (this, by the way, is an official status) - and it is very well preserved from the outside, and you can see it.

The Papal Palace in this case is really the papal one, that is, the former residence of popes sa the ones we used to see in the Vatican) . The transfer of the residence from Rome was caused by a conflict between the Catholic Church and the ruling monarchs: the next pope decided to move to Avignon, which seemed to him safer . So he did in 1309 g . @ and for the next 70 years Avignon was the center of the Catholic church . Then the pope and his court returned to Rome, the palace that was built for them has survived until now, and the whole epic has gone down in history as the "Avignon Papacy" .

@ The palace was built in turn by several different architects, so I got s a strange mixture of all styles of the Middle Ages at once, all for nothing like

History Generally the first palace there laid a little earlier -. in 1252, it was built as the residence of the local bishop. But then the unfinished building was altered, enlarged and began to be used as a papal palace. Those buildings that we see now are built in the middle of the 14th century. Generally distinguish the Old and New palaces, but the differences between them - only 20 years. The palace was seized several times by storm, burned and ruined, so that the modest remains of the former splendor were preserved from the interior decoration, but the buildings remained well.


@ It is not surprising to be safe - the palace was built not so much for life as for protection, so it looks more like a castle than a palace: a huge, gloomy gray construction with a minimum of external decor, thick walled walls, watchtowers and defense and other buildings. Built it in turn several different architects, so it turned out a bizarre mixture of all styles of the Middle Ages at once, nothing at all unlike - the bizarre contours are recognized right away.

Here 15 thousand square meters. m of space - the palace is very large. You can see the buildings (there are several of them in the complex) outside and inside, walk along the top of the walls, climb the towers, etc.

In addition, original interior has been preserved in some indoor areas. Among them - La chambre du cerf, in which stunning wall murals of the 14th century with hunting scenes, several more cabinets and two churches - La chapelle Saint-Martial and La chapelle Saint-Jean - survived. Everywhere wonderful paintings, subjects are different, but all the remaining parts are wonderful. In many rooms drawings, carpets and panels have not survived, but architectural decorations have remained - stone carvings, etc.

There are a lot of events in the palace - concerts, exhibitions, etc., there is also the world famous Avignon Theater Festival. Listening to a concert or watching a play in the open air in the courtyard of the palace is a wonderful way to spend a summer evening.

This is a very bright monument. On any photo it is recognized at once - it looks very fanciful. Be sure to go here if you come to Avignon - sorry to miss such a thing

Papal Palace and Avignon Bridge

Practical information

Official address: Avignon, Place du Palais. This place is right in the center of the Old Town, public transport does not go inside it, and the streets around the palace are pedestrian, you need to get there on foot. But the Gare D'Avignon Center is not very far away.

The working hours should be specified on the Palace's website: it changes 6-7 times a year, but in the summer, usually from 9:00 until evening.

Ticket price: 11 EUR (as of January 2015).