Add a review about the Museum of Romantic Life in Paris

Paris, despite all the "but", the city of love, romance and tenderness . If you disagree with this - follow Montmartre . To stroll through its cobblestone streets, where sit an eccentric kind of artists, and behind them, holding hands, consider the future masterpieces of a touching pair of retired tourists . In order to glimpse into the majestic echoing Sacré-Coeur, and, leaving the temple, take a breath from one of the most charming panoramas of the French capital . And finally, to get to the Romantic Museum life of Paris . Hidden from the prying eyes of strangers by an amazing garden, this house is like a mysterious casket with a surprise: it is incredibly attractive, mysterious and, of course, romantic!

The mansion in which the museum is located is located side by side with the "nest of vice" of the cabaret "Moulin Rouge", at the very foot of Montmartre, on the elegant Chantal Street . Built in 1830 . specially for the court painter Louis-Philippe Ari Schaeffer, he immediately became an adornment of the city . Schaeffer was not a simple painter - he also taught to draw the children of the king (who at that time was still the Prince of Orleans) . Having entered the elegant building, the artist attached two workshops to him and began with pleasure accept friends and admirers - the artists of Delacroix and Erik, Ingres, as well as the most talented composers of his time, Chopin and Liszt .

Evenings at Schaeffer became famous throughout Paris, every evening a variety of bohemian people flocked here, there were many celebrities, for example, Turgenev, Dickens, Rossini. Georges Sand, Chopin and Liszt literally settled at Schaeffer, before they liked his cozy creative atmosphere. Later they were joined by the son-in-law of the painter Ernest Renan, whose publication "The Life of Jesus Christ" became famous throughout Paris.

After 150 years it is difficult to understand whose it was a mansion, who lived there, and who often visited, and to whom the museum is eventually devoted. Everything was confused in the house of Scheffer, as in the head of any genius personality. That's why our brother is only more interesting to tourists.
Evenings near Scheffer became famous all over Paris, every evening a lot of bohemian people flocked here, there were a lot of celebrities, for example, Turgenev, Dickens, Rossini.

Today two expositions are open to the attention of visitors. The first floor is dedicated to the genius George Sand, and most of the collection the museum received directly from her granddaughter. What you can see: the pen and inkwell of the writer, a medallion with a lock of her gray hair, jewels. The watercolors of the writer and her son Maurice hang on the walls

The second floor plunges into the atmosphere of refinement and eternal holiday, because it was here that the court painter Scheffer lived. The rooms are full of all sorts of trinkets, antique elegant furniture, draperies. Everywhere on easels and on the walls, portraits of beautiful ladies, including famous actresses and singers of that time - Polina Viardot, Maria Malibran and others - are staring at the public. There is also a library with books by Ernest Renan

Perhaps the most interesting exhibit in the collection of the Museum of Romantic Life is a copy of Chopin's hand by sculptor Klezinger (1847).

Complementing the already lyrical exposition is a nice garden full of greenery, flowers and birds singing. Here you can walk under the ancient trees, enjoying the scent of roses and wisteria. And, of course, in the end, look into the local tea salon, whose atmosphere of antiquity and first-class fragrant drink attract true connoisseurs of tea from all over Paris

Museum of Romantic Life


Address: rue Chaptal, 16. How to get there: by metro to Pigalle or Blanche stations, by buses No. 67, 68 and 74.

Opening Hours: Tue-Sun 10: 00-18: 00.

Admission is free. Periodically, on the territory of the Museum of Romantic Life, they hold thematic exhibitions, for which visits have to be paid. The cost varies depending on the specific exposure, an average of about 7 EUR.