Add a review about the Museum of Montmartre

One of the most romantic and beautiful districts of Paris is Montmartre. Known primarily because he was chosen by the people of art, he is still associated with the names of famous artists. Montmartre is so bohemian that even a museum devoted to it is not located anywhere, but in a house built in its time for the actor who played in the corpse of Moliere. Of course, after this creative people and very extraordinary people continued to live here.

The museum's exposition allows us to imagine all the interesting, long and intricate history of Montmartre in colors. Here you can see all the diversity of life that reigns in one of the most famous areas of not only Paris, France, but the whole world. Weekdays, holidays, everyday life of famous inhabitants, political "fermentations" and many other things are reflected in this unique collection.

The Museum of Montmartre is located in the mansion "Rosimond", which was built in the 17th century for an actor named Claude Roz . Monsieur Rose played in the corpse of Moliere and acted under the beautiful pseudonym de Rosimont, in fact, hence the name of the house . This dwelling in the bohemian district of the capital became a haven for many famous people . For example, at the end of the last century there was a workshop for anyone This moment known artist by the name of Auguste Renoir . By the way, this period of the master's life was reflected in all the creativity . It was in the garden that surrounds the mansion and hides it from prying eyes that one of the maestro's pictures was painted - "Swing" . @ The artist Raul Dufy, actor Pierre Reverdy, composer Erik Saty .

took pictures of this house. Among the other tenants of Rosimona, one can mention the first artist admitted to the National Society of Fine Arts, and earlier the acrobat and model Susanna Valadon and her son the artist Maurice Utrillo.

The museum presents four permanent expositions . The first of them is devoted to the distant time when Montmartre was a quiet village, the main occupation of the population was the extraction of gypsum from mines dug in the bowels of the hill . About how the hill looked several centuries ago, can be judged by the scale model . Here are also samples of the unique porcelain Klinyankur local production . A separate exposition devoted to the period of the Paris Commune, which was proclaimed exactly in Montmartre in 1871 . The collection is presented documents and posters of that complex historical period .

Peak concentrations in the area of ​​artists, poets and artists came to the line before last and last century. And all thanks to the splendid views opening up from here, and at the same time quite tolerable house prices.

Another section, which can be called the most fun in the collection, is called "Holiday Montmartre", and it is dedicated to local ballrooms and cabarets. Of particular value are the old posters belonging to the hands of such masters as Toulouse-Lautrec or Shere. On these posters you can contemplate and celebrities, which at one time rattled throughout Paris, here are also presented screaming outfits of dancers. Well, of course, could not do in the Museum of Montmartre without a separate exposition devoted to local bohemian inhabitants.

The peak of concentration in the area of ​​artists, poets and artists took place on the turn of the century before last. And all thanks to the magnificent views that open from here, and at the same time quite tolerable prices for housing. This exposition presents works, photographs, documents, personal belongings of such world celebrities as Edgar Degas, Van Gogh, Camille Pizarro, Salvador Dali, Van Dongen. In addition to permanent exhibitions, various temporary exhibitions are held in the museum, and there is a library of its own.

Montmartre Museum


Address: 12/14, rue Cortot. How to get there: The nearest metro stations are Lamarck-Caulaincourt, Abbesses or Anvers.

The cost of visiting 8 EUR, from 12 to 26 years 4 EUR, up to 12 years free of charge

Working time: 11:00 to 18:00 , closed on Mondays.