Add a review about the Museum of Contemporary Art at the Tokyo Palace

Puritans and conservatives are not allowed to enter: in the Museum of Modern Art at the Tokyo Palace show that above the designated citizens a week will be in nightmares. All the others are waiting for unprecedented in their courage and shocking exhibitions, amazing exhibits and a fantastic aftertaste. They say that even the Pompidou Center enviously bites elbows at the Tokyo Palace exhibitions, but does not dare to repeat it.

Located in the west wing of the Tokyo Palace, the interior of the museum resembles a hangar or a neglected warehouse . Ventilation and wiring outside, the ticket office is located in a small trailer from the trailer, but for the exhibits of the place in abundance: and the experimenters have a place to turn around, and visiting provocateurs are not crowded. . Do not be afraid, this museum of modern art (not to be confused with the same name an exposition in Pompidou), here you can also enjoy the best canvases of Matisse, Derain, Bonnard and Vuillard, as well as the frescoes of Robes and Sonya Delaunay .

Located in the west wing of the Tokyo Palace, the interior of the museum resembles some hangar or an abandoned warehouse. Ventilation and wiring outside, the ticket office is located in a small trailer from the trailer, but for the exhibits of the place in abundance.

Initially, the collection was intended to be opened as early as in 1937 . to the International Art and Technology Exhibition held at that time in Paris . Alas, something went wrong, and therefore all the works of contemporary artists that the city acquired during the exhibition, went to the museum of the Small Palace . The name of it, it must be said, is true: after only 16 years, the walls of the mansion can no longer contain all growing expo tion, especially after the gift of Dr. Girardin . Because in 1953 the museum has finally moved to a separate building, in which is today - in the Tokyo Palace .

What now offers exacting public the Museum of Modern Art? Two worthy collections, exhibited in chronological order. The walk through the museum, as a rule, starts from the Historical section (1900-1960), where all the exhibits collected during the construction of the Tokyo Palace (1937) are presented, as well as the gift of Girardin. In particular, the canvases of the Fauves, Cubists and Post-Cubists, the work of Delaunay and Leger (orphists), as well as the surrealists, for example the rare Picabia

The next exhibition is the Modern Section (after 1960), where you can get acquainted with the New Realism Arman, César, Deschamps, En, Klein, Ress and Villezle), with the Flow of Fluxus (Ben, Dietman, Fillau), and also with the Flow of Spiritual Artists (Mouvement d'artistes proches d'esprit: Brodters, Boltansky, Annette Messager ). There are also individual galleries dedicated to the more famous artists - Matisse, Dufy and others.

On the night of May 20, 2010, the museum "Theft of the Century" occurred, as it was immediately nicknamed by journalists. They stole five paintings by Picasso, Matisse, Modigliani, Braque and Leger, whose total value reached at least 100 million EUR. This is "Pigeon with green peas" Picasso, "Pastoral" Matisse, "Woman with a fan" Modigliani, "Still life with candlesticks" Leger and "Olives near Estac" Braque.

Finally, before leaving the museum, be sure to visit the bookstore with excellent albums and magazines on art, as well as a photo-machine (to the left of the ticket office). Here you can get a set of four black-and-white photos with your own silly faces for 2 EUR and five minutes

Tokyo Palace


Address: avenue du Président Wilson, 13.

Opening Hours: 12: 00-24: 00 every day except Tues

How to get there: by metro on line number 9 to the stop Iéna or Alma Marceau or by train RER (line C) to Pont de l'Alma, by buses No. 32, 42, 63, 72, 80 and 92.

The cost of visiting 10 EUR, with a discount of 8 EUR.