Add a review about the Museum of Marmottan Monet in Paris

Marmottan Monet (Marmottan Monet) - a museum-chameleon. Initially specializing in the period of the First Empire and the era of Napoleon, he received two invaluable collections as gifts, suddenly turning into one of the greatest collections of Impressionists in the world. All fans of this bright and cheerful direction in art are eager to visit here. It's no wonder, considering that his collection can compete with Orangerie or the museum d'Orsay

To be precise, Marmottan-Monet keeps more than three hundred canvasses of impressionists and post-impressionists: these are the masterpieces of Claude Monet and Eduard Manet, Edgar Degas, Bertha Morisot, Alfred Sisley, Paul Gauguin, Camille Pissarro, Paul Signac and Pierre Auguste Renoir

The Museum of Fine Arts Marmottan Monet is away from the beaten hiking trails in the 16th Arrondissement of Paris, at the very edge of the Bois de Boulogne . This location is not accidental: but the museum building served as a hunting lodge for the Duke of Valmy, who erected this cozy home in the first half of the 19th century with one goal - to escape from the noise of Paris and spend time in the bosom of nature, occasionally shooting game . In 1882 . duke sold his house businessman and prominent statesman Jules Marmottan who, in turn, bequeathed it to his son Paul . Both Marmottan were avid collectors and admirers of beauty, but their interest was limited to Napoleon's era .

Paul greatly expanded the collection TCA, adding to its luxurious library, paintings and furniture. And after his death bequeathed the mansion with the entire "filling" of the Academy of Arts. Two years after the death of Paul, that is, in 1934, the Marmottan Museum opened here.

For twenty years the museum specialized exclusively in a low Corsican, until in 1957 Victor Donop de Monchi gave the museum an impressive collection of his father, Dr. Georges de Bello . Mostly these were paintings by the Impressionists, who not only treated a talented doctor, but also often paid with their paintings. Manet and Monet, Pizarro and Sisley, Renoir - all of them repeatedly visited Dr. Bello, in addition to medical services, he knew a lot about painting and was one of the first to appreciate the new trend in art - Impressionism.

The second amazing gift to the museum was not forced himself to wait a long time - after some 9 years, in 1966, the second son of Claude Monet Michelle presented Marmottan with a collection of his father's works. Thus, the world's largest collection of canvases of the genius Monet opened here. The museum was increasingly referred to as Marmottan-Monet, until that name was formally "anchored" to the former hunting mansion.
The "Pearl" of the collection can be called "Impression. Soleil levant" by Claude Monet, this canvas gave the name to a new direction in art - impressionism.

The "Pearl" of the collection can be called "Impression . Soleil levant" by Claude Monet, it was this painting that gave the name to the new direction in art - Impressionism . In addition, pay attention to the SIS Leu and his "Spring in the environs of Paris", "Rouen Cathedral" by Monet and Caillebotte with "The Streets of Paris after the Rain" . A special place among the works of the museum is the meeting of Bertha Morisot, the famous pupil of Corot and the wife of the brother Mane Eugene . Today it is in Marmottan Mon that there is the most complete collection of light-filled paintings by this amazing artist .

But do not forget about Napoleon, because this collection, which ceded much to the impressionists, is still kept in the museum. The first floor of Maromotdan-Monet was given to the assembly of his father and son. Here, in exquisitely decorated rooms, you can see the elegantly-rigorous furniture of the Empire era, the portraits of Bonaparte by Desire Clary and Louis Builly. luxurious carpets and draperies, bronze candelabra and sculptures

Finally, one of the world's richest collections of book miniatures of 13-16 centuries from England, Germany, Flanders and France is stored in Marmottan



Address: Rue Louis Boilly, 2. Getting there: The nearest metro station La Muette can be reached by RER train to Boulainvillier station.

Working hours: Tue-Sun 10: 00-18: 00, Thu 10:00 -20: 00, Monday is a day off

The cost of visiting 10 EUR, for students under 25 years 5 EUR, children under 7 years free of charge. Audioguide in English. or fr. languages ​​3 EUR.