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It is not known who first came up with the idea to call the store a museum, but in 1983 in the heart of Paris - not far from Opera Garnier - the Fragonard's Spirit Museum was opened. Of course, there is something to see here, visitors are even invited to visit the dedicated history of perfumery excursions, lasting from 10 minutes. up to 2 hours, but our compatriots come to the Fragonard Museum to buy a high-quality perfume at a much lower price. The magic phrase "prices from the manufacturer" does its work.

In the Museum of Fragonard there are three departments in which fragrances from all over the world, objects of design and ornaments for the home are presented

The Fragonard Museum was named after the French painter and graphic artist Jean Honore Fragonard, whose name was named the most beautiful boulevard of Grasse. It so happened that in one of the houses on this boulevard in 1926 a factory was opened for the production of essential oils from the petals of roses. After decades, the leaders of the Fragonar perfume factory decided to purchase a room in the center of Paris and open their store there

Fragonard Museum in Paris

As soon as the visitor enters this temple of smells, he immediately feels the delicate fragrance of perfume - and it even seems that you can taste it. You will be told the story of the origin of spirits, they will show strange bottles for them, for example in the form of a whalebone. You can here and admire the gold and silver trinkets with a secret, nice powder boxes, seals for soap and old distillers.

Of course, you will learn about people called "noses" who can create and distinguish hundreds of smells. Now there are about 400 of them in the world, and half of the people of this rare profession work in France.

In the Fragonard Museum there are three divisions, in which fragrances from around the world are presented, objects of design and ornaments for the home . This section "Perfumery", where fragrances from all over the world are collected, "The Art of Living", where home decorations and design items are presented, and Fragonard Confidentiel, in which you can buy jewelery from semiprecious stones, as well as jackets and tunics from cotton and silk . There is, perhaps, all: gold and silver trinkets with secret compartments for Hove, excellent road travel bags, special bottles, for example, long, ladies who put in a corset ...

Once in Paris, take a look at the Museum Fragonard for new flavors and vivid impressions!

In the Fragonard Museum you will be told "in secret" what flavor comes from Claudia Schiffer or Catherine Deneuve. And it is also mentioned that well-known firms simply add a few of their components to the quintessence of Fragonard and put their received in their original packaging. It's hard to resist the wonderful smell, so the tourist's hand reaches the purse by itself ...

Really, at a price at least similar to the factory one - from 15 EUR - here you can get one (or several) of 11 fragrances: "Island Love "," Emily "," Diamond "," Miranda "," Kiss "," Night Beauty "," Fantasy "and others. Of course, the shop sells also dry perfumes, soap, toilet water and colognes created from the most fragrant flowers.

Manufacturers, and numerous tourists who have already visited the Fragonard Museum and come back here again and again, promise extraordinary stamina of aromas and bright memories of the unforgettable time spent in the temple of luxury and dreams. And certainly, the bottle of perfume, brought as a memorable gift, will please your friends and relatives much more than a magnet. So, once in Paris, look in the Fragonard Museum for new fragrances and vivid impressions!

Address: 9 Rue Scribe, Paris

 Fragonard Museum, Paris  Fragonard Museum
Fragonard Museum
 One of the halls, the museum Fragonard, Paris  Fragonard Museum
One of the halls, Fragonard Museum
 Exhibit of the Fragonard Museum, Paris  Museum of Fragonard
Museum of Fragonard
 Interior of Fragonard Museum, Paris  Museum of Fragonard
Interior of Fragonard Museum