Add a review about the Museum of Notre-Dame de Strasbourg in Strasbourg

In general, the French name of this museum in Strasbourg is difficult to adequately convey in Russian . Musee de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame can be called the Museum of Art Works of Notre Dame, the Museum creation of Notre Dame, just by the Museum of Notre Dame, and several more options are possible. . The funny thing is that each of the names will be quite accurate and will reflect the essence of the collection collected here . Because it unites both The exhibits dedicated to the history of the Notre-Dame de Strasb cathedral p, and objects of fine and decorative arts in the region Upper Rhine .

this museum recently established to highlight the collection of regional art in a separate building. The Upper Rhine region is the part of the Rhine along which the border between France and Germany passes, in other words, it is the territory of the historical Alsace, which long ago ceased to exist as an independent country, but retained its traditions. The collection is large and exhibits are kept there since the early Middle Ages

Some objects are much more than 1000 years old, there are a lot of unique things here


The first part of the collection refers to the history of the cathedral . The first building was built in the 7th century, then it was demolished, rebuilt many times and changed a lot of times - from Catholic to Lutheran and back, because the city was continuously captured by Catholics, then Lutherans . It turned out a unique structure, rare even for France, so the museum has that posmo third . Here are plans and drawings, as well as the surviving elements from the old versions of the cathedral that remained after each perestroika . The sculptures from the walls of the cathedral demolished during the French Revolution .

The separate part of the collection devoted to early decorative art. It is dominated by wooden and stone sculptures, wood carvings and architectural details, mostly preserved from churches. Some subjects are more than 1000 years old, many unique things. There are wonderful carved or painted panels, decorative elements and a lot of rare sculptures.

But the museum's special pride is the collection of stained glass. These are the originals, the oldest ones date back to the 11th century. This is a great rarity - glass is a fragile material, and in general it is worthwhile to come alone for their sake. The brightness of colors is still amazing.

The collection of architectural details includes elements of church decoration, sculpture and many small items. Also there is a collection of paintings, also mostly from churches (the works of local masters predominate), there are also quaint furniture, and decorative things, and much else.

Interesting, bright museum. Be sure to go here if you like early art or gothic.

This museum has a very beautiful building, which consists of two parts connected by a gallery. Both parts were the "office" of the builders of the cathedral, one built in the 14th century, the other at 16.

Collection overview

Practical information

Official address: Strasbourg, place du Chateau, 3. The museum is located in the center of the Old Town, the best way to get there is on foot.

The museum works only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00 to 18:00.

Ticket price: 6, 5 EUR (as of January 2015)

 Museum of Notre-Dame de Strasbourg in Strasbourg  Notre-Dame de Strasbourg Museum in Strasbourg
Notre-Dame de Strasbourg Museum in Strasbourg
 One of the halls, Notre-Dame de Strasbourg Museum in Strasbourg  The Museum of Notre-Dame de Strasbourg in Strasbourg
One of the halls, the Museum of Notre Dame de Strasbourg, Strasbourg