Add a review about the Old Town Hall Brno

The building of the Old Town Hall (Stara Radnice), located near the Green Market Square, is not without reason considered the heart of Brno, because it was the secular center of the ancient city . The City Hall and the court were located in the Town Hall building. The town hall printed money and stored documents, accepted honorable guests and solved other administrative and legal issues of the city. . The building of the Old Town Hall began to be built in 1240 . With the passage of time its design was repeatedly changed, the building was completed, broadened . These processes took place up to 1935 ., when the city authorities moved to another building now known as the New Town Hall Brno . Today The Old Town Hall is a historical and cultural tourist site of the city, whose visit is strongly recommended by all guidebooks Brno .

Old Town Hall

Old Architecture Town Hall is a harmonious combination of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles . 63-meter tower, decorated with four small and one - the main dome highlights the building against the backdrop of other buildings . The courtyard of the Town Hall also combines in its architecture Several styles: made in the late 16th century by Italian Renaissance architects after the Thirty Years War with the Swedes, when almost all buildings of the city were partially or completely destroyed, the courtyard of the Town Hall was restored in a modern baroque style at the time . Design of the portal from the Town Hall to the courtyard deserves special attention, as it is adorned with a grandiose sculpture of five towers towering above the sculptures of squires and city councilors . In the center of the composition is a female figure with a sword and scales in ukah, personifying the allegory of justice and justice .

One of the towers at the entrance to the arch is clearly curved, which is explained by the legend according to which the author of the project expressed his dissatisfaction with the local authorities, who did not pay him the promised sum.
Old Town Hall for a long time performed the administrative and legal functions of the city, was the center of his secular life and the representation of the authorities.

No less interesting sights of the Town Hall are inside the portal: there are two unofficial mascots Brno - Brnensky dr akon and wheel . They were inspired by the ancient city legends . So, according to one of them, the Brno dragon horrified the locals for many years until the prisoner of the castle Shpilberg agreed to rid the people of the offender . He made it very original way: filling the skin of the calf with a poison, a noble prisoner threw the bait into the dragon's abode . The beast instantly swallowed the profit and was soon defeated . In honor of the victory over the dragon, the prisoner was released, and from the dragon they made a scarecrow that still decorates the building Old Town Hall .

Sta th Town Hall is attractive for its historical value of many tourists. In summer, a museum and a gallery work in it, and various events are held in the courtyard of the Town Hall: festive concerts, performances and exhibitions. Under the arch at the entrance to the courtyard of the Town Hall one can observe the work of the coin chaser, who is kindly ready to take pictures with all comers. Also in the building there is a city tourism office, on the tower of the Town Hall for visitors there is an observation deck with a magnificent view of the city.

The Old Town Hall, as well as the Cabbage Market, is located in the heart of Brno, so it will not reach it labor.