Add a review about St. Jakub's Church in Brno

Church of St. . Yakuba, or the church of St. . Jacob (czech . kostel svateho Jakuba), located on the square of Jacob in Brno, was built at the end of the 13th century . The original Roman Catholic architecture of the church in the course of repeated reformation completely changed its appearance and acquired distinct Gothic-baroque features . The interior interior was designed by the Viennese architect G . Ferstela . Among the relics of the church there are gravestones famous figures of Brno, one of which belongs to Marshal A and Radu de Suchet - defense team during the Swedish army siege of the city in 1645 . However, this is not the only burial in the Church of .The matter is that even before the construction of the church Sv . Yakub on the site of the square of Jacob there was a cemetery, and recently, during the excavations, one of the largest in Europe bones was found under the building of the church, which totals more than 50 thousand . remains of people . Today the church of St. . Jakuba and its ossuary are the most important cultural and tourist site of the Czech Republic .

The church of St. Jakub is the most important cultural and tourist site of the Czech Republic

The construction of the church of St. . Yakub began in 1228 g ., however, up to now survived the construction the construction of which continued from the middle of the 15th century until the end of the 16th century . An important element of the church was a church tower 92 meters high, it was completed by 1592 g ., thus marking the end of the construction of the church . Another interesting the detail is comic in character . In the southern part of the tower above the window one can see a bare statue of a man facing the old City Town Hall . According to one of the legends, thus the architect expressed his dissatisfaction for the lowly paid work of the city authorities . Others explain the presence on the church is so immodest th sculpture a kind of humor of the author .

Church of St. Jakub

Inside the temple there reigns grandiose atmosphere of reverence and grandeur . Gothic columns, striving upwards, amaze with their size and beauty . Oblong stained-glass windows located throughout perimeter of the building, fill the temple with daylight that illuminates all the splendor of the medieval building . In the middle of the temple on a small hill there is a main altar decorated with candles and fresh flowers . Special attention deserves the department of preaching established in 1526 . a, on which exquisitely depicted various scenes of biblical scriptures . And to this day in the temple are services and church rites .

During some rituals, such as baptism, memorial prayer and ritual of marriage, entrance to the temple for strangers is prohibited

Practical information

Working time: the church is open every day from morning to evening. Free admission. Service time: Monday to Saturday at 8:00 and 19:00. Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 19:00.

Address: 60200, Brno, Jakubska, 11.

Phone: + 420-542-212-039.

How to get there : near the St. Jakub church there is a stop for trams No. 4 and 9 Namesti Svobody, from it pass meters 150 to the side opposite the square.