Add a review about the Confucius Temple in Shanghai (Shanghai-Wenmiao)

At the eastern gate of Shanghai stands the original ancient temple of Confucius (Shanghai-Wenmiao). Once, during the reign of the Yuan Dynasty, Shanghai from a fishing village turned into a district, in honor of which in 1294 and built this temple, reminiscent of its architecture, the Great Temple in Beijing. The Confucius Temple was a venue for ceremonies and at the same time a prestigious Chinese educational institution. This is the only temple complex in Shanghai dedicated to the great thinker of the ancient Confucius.

Everything in the temple has to relax, thoughts of eternal, as if in this place of concentration of harmony, wisdom and absolute tranquility the time flows more slowly

In 1851-1856 biennium . the temple served as the headquarters of the rebels of the Small Sword Society, and in 1856 it was almost completely destroyed as a result of the army's actions directed by the government to restore order in the city. During the Cultural Chinese Revolution, the Confucius Temple was also severely damaged.

Only in 1990 the city administration took measures to restore the building, and only three ancient bridges leading to the temple were left in its original form. As a result, the Confucius Temple acquired its present modern appearance.
Confucius Temple, or Shanghai-Wenmiao (English)

Everything in the temple has to relax, thoughts of the eternal, as if in this place of concentration of harmony, wisdom and absolute calm time flows more slowly

This is a favorite place of tourists, with interest and pleasure visiting the ancient temple, on the territory of which there are statues of Confucius himself and several Buddhas. Considering stone sculptures in a marvelous courtyard with a pond and a narrow channel with a bridge, one can make out an idea of ​​the way of life, culture and art of ancient times.
At the top of the mountain beyond the temple fence is a 12-meter pagoda built in 1079, - The eastern side. There is a bookstore in it

In the Confucius temple you can buy a leaflet on which you want to write down your desire, put it to others, and wait for it to come true. In a small pavilion there is a collection of the most bizarre kettles. There is also an interesting hall, where there are drawings illustrating different situations of life of Confucius and his wisest statements about each specific event.

At the conclusion of a walk through the temple in a tea house, a Chinese woman in traditional clothes will hold a tea ceremony with observance of all ancient traditions. The Confucius Temple, surrounded by modern houses, is a clean, quiet, peaceful and very pleasant place from where its guests go in peace with blissful smiles on their faces.

How to get there

You can reach the temple by metro (line 8) to station Laoximen, Exit 3, then walk along South Xizang Road, turn left at the intersection with Fangxie Road. It can be reached by buses 24, 451, 715, 775, 789 to the stop of Laoximen (East Fuxing Road Zhonghua Road) or 66, 929 to South Henan Road Confucius Temple.

Working time

The temple is open from 9:00 before 4.30 pm

Ticket price

Input: 10 CNY (Chinese Yuan).