Add a review about the Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shanghai

In Russia, traditional methods of treatment are called "non-traditional medicine", and many are treated with distrust . And in China, on the contrary, the heritage of ancestors is honored, studied, called "traditional" and even opened on the outskirts of Shanghai a special huge university for several blocks, in which the Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine has been operating for quite some time, introducing the five-thousand-year history of Chinese medicine and ways of healing (acupuncture, acupuncture A herbal therapy) . Generally it as much as three museums in one: the museum of the history of the Institute, Museum of the History of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Museum of Chinese traditional medicines .

The three-story building of the museum, located on the right side of the main building of the university, was specially designed and built according to all the rules of feng shui. Two monuments-the monument to Zhong Zhongjing and Shen-Nong-are installed on the driveway, each of which has a major milestone in the history of medicine for the Chinese.

Shen-Nun ("The Divine Farmer"), - the ruler of China, who lived more than five millennia ago and taught the Chinese to use herbal preparations. And Zhang Zhongjing (150-219) is an outstanding physician during and after the Han Dynasty, who created great works on medicines (more than 100 prescriptions of topical medicines to date), women's diseases and the fight against fever.

In China, the legacy ancestors are honored, studied, called "traditional" and even discovered on the outskirts of Shanghai a special huge university for several blocks, in which the Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine has been operating for quite some time.
The first to apply anesthesia (wine with cannabis) was also the Chinese Hua Too, who lived during the Han Dynasty, whose fame came to the Emperor Cao Cao, suffering from headaches. Hua Tu relieved the ruler of the ail of acupuncture, so he did not let go of the doctor. And one day, when Hua Toa was visiting his sick wife and was late on his return, Cao Cao, distraught with pain, ordered the execution of a doctor, and later admitted that he made an irreparable mistake, as he subsequently lost a son whom no one could cure.

A lot of similar stories are told in the museum's exposition, consisting of 14 thousand artifacts. On the first floor there are instruments of the prehistoric period (fumigators, needles, medicine bottles, lockers, mortars for medicines and components), many books.

On the second floor of the museum are exhibited artifacts up to the 20th century inclusive, a large number of porcelain figurines, acupuncture utensils, portraits of scientists, press doctors. On the diorama in the growth of a person, which allows you to feel yourself a participant, the scene of taking a patient by a doctor is depicted. On the table, the doctor wears a nude porcelain doll, as before it was not accepted to show any sore spots - only on a doll.

The third floor is an exhibition of herbarium and collections of various components in wooden trays and porcelain saucers used in the preparation of medicines coal, chalk, pearls, turtle shells, snakes, ginseng root and much more). All this gives an idea of ​​what traditional Chinese medicine is.

The information in the museum is presented mainly in English. It is absolutely forbidden to photograph here.

It is very interesting, having visited such a wonderful place, to touch the secrets of the ancient medical teaching.

How to get to the

The Big Museum is located at 1200 Cailun Road, Pudong New Area, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, at the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Working time

Visiting is possible from Tuesday to Sunday from 9: 00 until 16:00. Monday: day off

Cost of the entrance ticket

You can touch the secrets of the ancient medical training for no more than 2 EUR (15 CNY).