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Franklin Science Museum is a large three-story building with spacious galleries, demonstration halls and own observatory . The idea of ​​its foundation belongs to Merrick . and . Keating, who wanted the main the theme of the expositions was the so-called "mechanical art" . The museum was named after the statesman Benjamin Franklin, who, besides, was also a good inventor . It was his works that became the basis of the museum collection . There is no mark that it was the first National Museum of Science and Technology in the United States to promote not so much inventions themselves as their practicality . Today Franklin Research Institute's expositions are demonstrated by innovative technologies, writings of inventors and scientists of the 18-20 centuries and other miracles of technology . @ Also there is a planetarium for children . Children's Dinosaur Hall is of special interest . In addition to all this, the museum has interactive exhibitions that give guests the opportunity to see a giant heart, hear the buzz of an airplane and visit the center of the globe .

Franklin Research Institute

Address: Philadelphia, North 20th Street, 222.

Opening hours: 9:30 - 17:00.

Entrance: Cost of the full ticket 16 , 5 USD. For visitors from 3 to 11 14 USD

Information is indicated on June 6, 2014

 Franklin Institute of Science, Philadelphia  Franklin Institute of Science
Franklin Institute of Science
 Ben Franklin, Franklin Institute of Science, Philadelphia Franklin Institute of Science
Ben Franklin, Franklin Institute of Science
 Entrance to the Franklin Institute of Science, Philadelphia  Franklin Institute of Science
Entrance to the Franklin Institute of Science
 Main Staircase, Franklin Institute of Science, Philadelphia  Franklin Institute of Science
Main Stairway , Franklin Institute of Science
 Dinosaur, Scientific Institution here Franklin, Philadelphia  Franklin Institute of Science
Dinosaur, Franklin Institute of Science
 Miniature of the aircraft carrier, Franklin Institute of Science, Philadelphia  Franklin Research Institute
Miniature of the aircraft carrier, Franklin Institute of Science