Add a review of the Cathedral of St. James

Monumental, majestic, pompous, inspiring awe - all these epithets are best suited for describing the Catholic Cathedral of St. James in the heart of Seattle, in the expensive and refined area of ​​Furst Hill (" the first hill ") . This temple can be called one of the" pearls "of the religious architecture of the State of Washington, it would fit perfectly into the main square of Florence or Paris, but it was the residents of the cosmopolitan and gay Seattle who were lucky to live side by side with him . Moreover, two strict towers towering above the main building of St. James Cathedral, which can be seen from almost anywhere in the city center, inspire the native people with a sense of comfort, home, warmth .

Despite the fact that the US churches can not boast such a rich event history , as their "brethren" in the Old World, this cathedral already celebrated its centennial anniversary . St. James-Kafidral was built in 1907 ., specially for the diocese of Washington, Washington, which was transferred from the American Vancouver to the Seattle . At that the diocese already counted more than 50 years of its existence, everything grew and was expanding, because the construction of a worthy cathedral was simply a necessity. . Alas, not that the builders got negligent, or the architect made mistakes in the project, but after only 9 years, that is, in 1916 ., the dome of the temple fell through abundant snowfall .

Of course, immediately began to restore the work, but the original plan for the church decided to change a little. The next repair took place in 1950, in the 80's built up the ancillary facilities and the house of the priest, so from his original project the Cathedral of St. James differs greatly. Which, of course, did not prevent the Seattle administration from making it on the list of official historical sights of the city.
Monumental, majestic, pompous, inspiring - all these epithets are best suited for describing the Catholic Cathedral of St. James that in the heart of Seattle .

What is worth paying attention to in the interior of the temple? First, the old stained glass windows of Charles Connick's work, already over 100 years old, as well as the stained glass windows of the modern German artist Hans Gottfried von Stockhausen, which appeared in 1994. The ancient relics here include the altarpiece from the Madonna work of the artist Neri di Bici from Florence, he is more than five centuries old. Finally, pay attention to the bronze doors with the biblical scenes that talented master Ulrich Henn delivered.

Pilgrims, as a rule, rush to the holy relics of Francis Xavier Cabrini.

To get a full and magical impression of St. James Cathedral, it's worth a look here at the organ concert. In the temple, two bodies are installed at once - the old Boston firm, which has been delighting the hearings of parishioners since 1907, and relatively modern, sounding since 1994. The second, called Millennium, was designed by the famous organ master Manuel Rosales.

Address: 9th Ave, 804, Seattle. How to get there: The nearest stop is the crossing of the 9th Ave & Marion St through which bus route 90 passes.

Opening hours: 7: 30-18: 00 daily

St. James Cathedral