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This famous museum is considered to be one of the largest in the US - it takes an honorable third place in the country . Annually there are more than 25 thematic exhibitions . The permanent collection of the museum totals 300 thousand . exhibits , among which canvases of great impressionists and surrealists, sculptures of famous sculptors and applied art of different peoples . The pride of the museum is an excellent collection of paintings by Van Gogh . Every Friday after 17:00 in the framework of the program "Art after 5" museum hosts cheerful parties with dances for live music, electro or jazz . By the way, it's better to buy tickets for temporary exhibitions in advance .

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Address: Philadelphia, 26th St & Benjamin Franklin Pkwy.

@ Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00 Weekend: Monday

Entrance: Full ticket price 8 USD

Information is indicated on June 6, 2014

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