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It would seem that the Scandinavian saga and the American city, which is famous for its cosmic skyscraper and fish market, can be of general interest? But there is, and this is nothing more than a Fermont troll - a giant sculpture of an unpleasant-looking monster that climbs out under the bridge to the light of God in search of profit. How exactly this "durin" fell under the Seattle bridge - a separate story.

Simply in 1990, the city administration held a tender for the improvement of the plot of land under and near the bridge. I must say, the case was not vain, because at that time it was a scary dump under the bridge, where they liked to "bury" illegal drugs and create another kind of dark deeds. Said - done, the contest was held, well, and won in it a talented four from Seattle, who decided to settle under the bridge of the troll. Traditional for the Scandinavian countries is fun.

Steve Badanes, Will Martin, Donna Walter and Ross Whitehead - that's the name of the Seattle troll parents who built their offspring in the Fremont area under the Aurora Bridge bridge. They did not bother with the material for modeling, they planned to give the troll a brutal, severe, so they stopped on the banal building materials - concrete, steel, metal ropes.

By the way, the total weight of the Fremont troll named so in honor of the district reaches 2 tons, and the height is 5, 5 meters. In his hand, the monster holds a real Volkswagen beetle, painted in a sculpture-like theme. Instead of one of the eyes, the troll has a shiny cap from the car's wheel. It is said that you can even climb up to it and slip your hand into the eye - there is another building rubbish reminiscent of the past of this place.
The total weight of the Fremont troll, named after the district, reaches 2 tons, and the height is 5, 5 meters. In his hand, the monster holds a real Volkswagen beetle.

The best time to visit the Fremont Troll is during the day, as the monument is not illuminated and one can not see anything in the evening. Sometimes under the bridge a resident of the Scandinavian latitudes is satisfied with all sorts of parties and art installations, during which the troll is illuminated, includes music and culture fun. More information about these kinds of events is available at the Seattle Tourism Information Office.

How to get there

The Fremont Troll is located on Seattle's 36th Street, under the Aurora Bridge Bridge (in some sources it is called George Washington Bridge). Exact address: Fremont Troll, Aurora Ave

Fremont Troll