Add a review of the wall of bubble gum

One of the most unappetizing, unhygienic and at the same time amazingly colorful sights of the world is with Seattle . And her name is - The wall of chewing gum . Is it worth saying that all dentists, conservative grandmothers and adepts healthy food, passing by, at least disgustingly frown, or even mutter under the curse? However, the fact remains - the wall, pasted by a thousand chewed and turned into a dried little bit of chewing gum, is considered an official attraction of Seattle, and it is forbidden to scrape off all this beauty . It seems like under the protection of the city .

Of course, all other tourists who do not so scrupulously related to their teeth and accepting timely art in all its manifestations, run to the wall in order to stick their own "bubble" and, of course, to make "SELFI" against its background. I must say that such a hooligan trick was to the liking of even the strongest of the world: there are more than a dozen celebrity photos and walls in the network.

Is it worth saying that all dentists, conservative grandmothers and adepts of a healthy diet passing by at least squeamishly frown, or even mutter under the curse?

It's worth saying a few words about the history of the bubble gum wall . Despite the fact that it happened not long ago, around 1993 ., the data on the origin of the wall are different . Some people say that it appeared because, that the performances in the theater, near which she actually is, were forbidden to come with chewing gum . Visitors had no choice but to throw them out or, from harm, to sculpt on a nearby wall . Others assert that the chewing gums are here appeared because of the long queues at the ticket office of the theater, they say, had fun waiting as they could . Still others say that the wall of chewing gum is an art project by a theatrical troupe that purposely stuck a lot of bright lumps on a part of the house .

Anyway, but the theater workers tried twice to stop vandalism and wash the wall. But it arose again until the "nice" artwork was given the status of an official attraction in 1999.

Today, the ruminant wall is considered one of the most amusing places in the city, where, among other things, one can show both his creativity and creativity . For example, write a chewing gum declaration of love, lay out your heart, leave an autograph, etc. Romance, what can you say!

Address: 1428 Post Alley, Seattle.

How to get there: the Chewing Gum's wall is literally under the nose of the Pike Place Market, so it can not be found.

Chewing Gum Wall