Add a review about the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Kiev

One of the new cathedrals of Kiev is Holy Trinity. Since its construction in 1991-1997. the construction of churches in Kiev was resumed, interrupted for 80 years. The Cathedral is three-throned. The central side-chapel is consecrated in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity, the left side is dedicated to St. Seraphim of Sarov, the miracle worker whose relics and miraculous icon are kept here, and the right one is dedicated to the holy Great Martyr George the Victorious.

The pride of the temple is a unique iconostasis, in no Kiev church.

In the ХІ-ХІІІ centuries. between Troyeschina and Vigurovschina was the suburban palace of princes of Kiev. In the XVI-XVII centuries. these villages were donated to monasteries. The charter of Emperor Peter I on October 16, 1720 confirms that the village of Troyeschina belongs to the Holy Trinity Hospital of the monastery at the Monastery of the Holy Trinity. The description of 1781 speaks of the existence of a temple in the village of. Troyeshchina

The parish wooden church of St. George was defeated in 1962, and in the same year the Holy Trinity Church was arranged in the prayer house. And then the Holy Trinity Cathedral was built.

The cathedral is a three-table cathedral. In the Seraphim limit there are the relics and the miraculous icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov. In the church there is a unique iconostasis, made by Cherkassy cabinetmakers.

Under the cathedral an underground church is built in the name of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Myrrh-streaming Myrrh-streaming.

Address: Kyiv, ul. Kirov, d. 2c.