Add a review about the Basel Art Museum

The Basel Art Museum has become home to Europe's largest collection of art objects dating from the 15th century to the present day . The focus of the work of artists of the Upper Rhine 19-20 centuries . In the funds The museum also houses the world's largest collection of Holbein family art - the famous German artists of the Swabian school . The Renaissance is represented by Conrad Vis, Martin Schongauer, Lucas Cranach the Elder and Mattias Grunewald . Significant The exposition of the Basel Art Museum is dedicated to the impressionism of the 19th century: paintings by Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin and Vincent van Gogh . In the 20th century art section, a special emphasis is placed on cubism, German and abstract expressionism and American art since 1950 .

The Basel Art Museum has become home to Europe's largest collection of works of art dating from the 15th century to the present.

Pablo Picasso, Juan Gris, Fernand Leger, Edvard Munch, Oscar Kokoschka, Emil Nolde, Salvador Dali - artistic The collection of modern art looks impressive. Contemporary trends are exhibited in the Museum of Contemporary Art, which belongs to the art museum

A bit of history

The history of the Basel art museum is rooted in the 17th century . The inspirer of his creation was the well-known collector Basilius Amerbach, or rather the collection of works of art collected by him : art paintings, drawings, engravings and even ethnographic artifacts . In 1661 . after the death of Amerbach, the municipality of Basel acquired its treasures, and subsequently they served as the basis for the world's first city ​​museums . Museum funds were constantly replenished, it became obvious that the old building was unable to accommodate them all . In 1936 . the exhibits moved to a new renovated building, and the museum moved to a new stage of development, now in focus his attention to the collection of an internationally oriented collection of contemporary art .

In 1959 the Basel Art Museum became the first European museum exhibiting American abstract expressionists
Gabriel Orozco exhibition in the art museum

Useful and Information

Working hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00, Monday: closed.

From the beginning of February 2015 until April 2016 the main building of the museum is closed for repairs.

Entrance: 13 EUR, for visitors from 13 to 19 years and students: 7 EUR, for groups of 20 people: 9 EUR, for museumspass admission is free.

Tickets to the Museum of Modern Art are purchased separately. Entrance: 11 EUR, for students, teenagers from 13 to 19 years and visitors with disabilities: 7 EUR. The cost of the audio guide is 5 EUR

How to get to the museum

From the station Bahnhof SBB - tram No. 2 (direction Riehen, stop Kunstmuseum). From the station Badischer Bahnhof - tram number 2 (direction Binningen, stop Kunstmuseum). From the airport - bus number 50 (stop Bahnhof SBB), tram number 2 (direction Riehen, stop Kunstmuseum)

Motorists should pay attention to the fact that near the museum there is no parking, the car needs to be left in the parking garages. The nearest parking garage, Elisabethen, is a 5-minute walk from the museum.

All prices are for November 2014