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In the snow-white fortress on the hill with the amazing forests of Djurgården, in the neighborhood lie the masterpieces of Munch, Karl Larsson, Eushen Jansson and even the death mask Nietzsche . This is one of the most inconveniently located museums in Stockholm . But exactly it can turn out to be the most interesting collection of Scandinavian painting, which, however, is strongly for the amateur . To understand whether it is worth going to the long journey to the Til Gallery, you can first glance at the Scandinavian halls of the National Museum of Sweden and Valdem rsudde . Surprised, pleased, hooked - means this painting is for you, and the Til Gallery - must-visit .

The creator of the rare and impressive collection of "northern art" of the turn of the 19th century was the banker Ernest Til, a close friend Munch, Larsson and many other outstanding artists of his time . In addition to the paintings of talented friends, Til also bought up the works of Bruno Liljefors, Anders Zorn, Eugene Jansson, Prince Eugene, August Strindberg, who today comfortably settled in a private villa of a former banker noteworthy osti . Built in 1905 by . architect Ferndinand Bober, the house immediately attracted the attention of the public - an exquisite project, charming surroundings, but there is nothing to say about the artistic "stuffing" . Of course, the general public is entering the house of Till was ordered, exactly until 1926 g . After World War I, the banker went bankrupt, was forced to sell the building with the entire collection, which in 1924 the state bought back . After just two years, a museum was opened in the building of the luxurious villa, named after the collector of the Til Gallery .

To be understood ь, whether to go on a long journey to the Til Gallery, you can first take a look at the Scandinavian halls of the National Museum of Sweden and Waldemarsudde.

What else conceals the depths of the exposition besides the paintings? The sculptures of Christian Erickson and the wooden figures of Axel Peterson, as well as the posthumous mask of Nietzsche - the highlight of the collection, located in a tall tower. By the way, the banker had a refined taste, translated the same Nietzsche into his native language, wrote memoirs and wrote poems. But his first painting, Liljefors' Morning At Sea, was acquired in 1986.

Having gotten so far from the heart of Stockholm, do not be lazy to stroll around the park of Djurgården - here you can enjoy not only charming idyllic landscapes for birdsong, but also beautiful a cup of coffee in local restaurants

The most inquisitive will be rewarded with Auguste Rodin's sculpture "Shadow", which lurked among the green foliage of the park. Underneath it there is a burial urn with the ashes of a banker, a collector, a great admirer of art and just a man with a good taste of Ernest Til

Tilskaya gallery


Address: Sjotullsbacken, 6. How to get there: T-Centralen metro station, then by bus No. 69 to the Thielska Galleriet stop

Working hours: Tue-Sun 12: 00-17: 00, Wed 12: 00-20: 00, closed Monday.

Entrance - 100 SEK, preferential - 80 SEK, children under 18 lei are free.