Add a review about the Longholm Museum of the prison

Perhaps only the Swedes, reaching in their avant-garde, tolerance and breaking stereotypes to the maximum, could think of making a hotel, hostel, restaurant, conference center and museum in the same bottle . from an old Stockholm prison I must say, it turned out not just unusual, but incredibly interesting . Add to this the opportunity to rent a bicycle, arrange a Saturday brunch in the walls of the casemate or participate in one funny game, during which you are given a prisoner's robe, Tens and say, "Well, now get out yourself, mate! "Well, is it worth the visit? Then welcome to the Longholmen prison .

Museum of the Longholm prison - one of the most eccentric expositions in the entire Swedish capital, but do not think that the main exhibits are the walls and grids . Such a primitive in Stockholm will not be tolerated . @ Here you can learn everything about the history of the prison, which is more than 250 years old, go into the real cell, spend the night (after all, the hostel works here) and even see the model of the guillotine that was used only once in Sweden - to decapitate a certain Anderson . In addition, in the collection: anonymous masks of prisoners, which the defendants carried up to 1935 ., a dictionary of thieving slang and everyday, so and so tragic, stories in pictures .

By the way, Longholm prison was closed not so long ago - in 1975
Museum Longholmen prison - one of the most eccentric expositions in the entire Swedish capital, but do not think that the main exhibits are the walls and the lattice. Such a primitive in Stockholm will not tolerate

At the prison there is a nice cafe where you can have a snack with views of the ancient walls, and then go to the beach, located in some 200 m. If there is time and a big company, be sure to take part in a special prison game. It sounds awful, but it looks extremely interesting. All participants are given out a striped pajamas-robes, locked in dungeons and given two hours to get to the surface with all sorts of puzzles and tricks. In the breaks - tasty snacks from pannakos and puddings and the like buns

Museum of Longholmen prison


Address: Langholmsmuren, 20. Getting there: the nearest Tornstull metro station is 10 minutes walk from the prison. In addition, buses No.4, 40 and 66 run to the Longholm jail before the Bergsunds Strand stop. There is a free parking for 50 people at the museum.

Working hours: Mon-Sun 11: 00-16: 00.

Entrance - 25 SEK, for children - 10 SEK.