Add a review about the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve

The reserve is located in the Khasansky district of Primorsky Krai and is located not far from the western shore of the Amursky Gulf. In clear weather, its highest peaks are clearly visible from Vladivostok: Mount Chalban, Podkrestovoi and Corner.

Kedrovaya Pad 'State Nature Reserve

The white-chested bear, wild boar, roe deer, Far Eastern leopard, raccoon dog, badger, spotted deer. Rare enough birds nest: a mandarin duck, blue magpie, a Kvakva, pheasants are often found, and the Kedrovaya River is a good place for salmon spawning: pink salmon, sims, chum.

Address: Primorsky Krai, Khasansky district, st. Primorskaya.