Add a review about the Nizhny Embankment of the Angara

The Lower Quay of the Angara - geographically this is the name of the street, and in fact the most beautiful place in Irkutsk. The embankment, several kilometers long, is in the historical center of the city and has two levels: for car traffic and a separate zone for walking walks.

You can admire the beauty of the Siberian Angara from the observation deck of the embankment.

To the 350th anniversary of Irkutsk (and it was in 2011) The lower embankment of the Angara has undergone major overhaul and reconstruction and now meets tourists in all its glory. You can admire the beauty of the Siberian Angara from the observation deck of the embankment. In addition to it, there are several famous sights of Irkutsk. Let's start with the monuments

The lowest embankment of the Angara

The first sculpture, which was also installed here for the anniversary of Irkutsk, is a monument to the founders of the city. The monument is a 6-meter figure of a male pioneer with a gun, mounted on a marble pedestal. By the way, this is the second highest monument in Irkutsk, second only to the sculpture of Emperor Alexander III

The second monument on the Lower embankment of the Angara is a monument to Saint Peter and Fevronia Muromsky, who are known to be patrons of the family and marriage. Sculptural composition here is established not by accident. All newlyweds of Irkutsk consider it their duty to come to the Angara embankment. Many couples stop at a monument to saints to ask their blessings for a strong union. Not far from the monument is the no less significant Irkutsk landmark - the Spassky church.

Walking along the Lower embankment of the Angara, one can not help noticing the Moscow gates standing here. This 19-meter triumphal arch was reconstructed several years ago by accidentally found ruins of the foundation of the gate. Today, the Moscow Gate (as, indeed, the entire Lower Angara embankment) is the symbols of Irkutsk.

Near the Lower Embankment of the Angara are also the Epiphany Cathedral and the East Siberian State Academy of Education.