Add a review about the State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Khankaisky"

The state natural biosphere reserve "Khankaisky" is located in the southwestern part of Primorsky Krai on the coast and in the water area of ​​Lake Khanka near the Russian-Chinese border

The territory of the reserve is mainly herbaceous marshes and meadows along the shores of Lake Khanka, its gulfs and the coastal strip of the water area . Here there are many waterfowl, many rare and endangered species of animals and plants . Total in the territory of the reserve reserve There are 48 species of mammals, 4 of which are listed in the Red Data Book of Russia . For example, here is one of the largest populations of the Far Eastern tortoise in the Russian territory, only here in our country there is an Egyptian heron, the average heron . Here also occurs 7 species of reptiles (including Korean long-tailed fish), 75 species of fish (for example, Chinese perch-aukha), 533 species of aquatic invertebrates, 6 species of amphibians, 12 species of rare and endangered insects .

However, of birds: Khankai Reserve was created primarily for the protection of places of mass nesting, migration and wintering of birds . There are 336 species of them, 44 of which are listed in the Red Data Book of Russia and 12 species in the International Red Data Book . Plus 287 species are listed - Attachment to the International Convention on the Protection of Migratory Birds and Birds Endangered and Their Environment, 225 of which are specially protected . The rarest "pearls" of the reserve are the Japanese and Daurian cranes, the Far Eastern stork, reed sutora , the red-legged ibis, the lances tsa et al .

The territory of the reserve is predominantly herbaceous marshes and meadows along the shores of Lake Khanka, where many waterfowl live, many rare and endangered species of animals and plants

49 rare and endangered plant species lotus Komarova, Khankai jellyfish, pallidose-colored licorice, euryal intimidating, Schreber's fungus, etc.)

Ancient man's camp

An ancient man's site was found on the territory of the "Khanka" reserve on the Ryabokon peninsula. The oldest finds date back to the period of the ancient Stone Age (the Ustinov tradition of the Upper Paleolithic period) and number 15 thousand years.

There are also monuments of the Early Neolithic (Rudninskaya culture) numbering 7, 5-5 thousand years, late Neolithic (Zaisan culture) - 5-3, 5 thousand years, Bronze Age (Sinegai culture) - 3, 5-3, 1 thousand. years, the early Iron Age (Poltsevskaya culture) - from the 4th century onwards. BC. e. up to 4 in. n. e. According to scientists, this is a unique place for the region where so many archaeological monuments of different epochs were concentrated in a small area

Geographical location

"Khankai" Reserve is located in the south of the Far East of Russia in the central part of the West Primorsky Plain ( from the lower reaches of the Bikin River to the mouth of the Razdolnaya River) at the Prikhanka and Prisungachi lowlands, surrounded by low outlying elevations. The maximum elevation in the southern part of the reserve is Luzanova hill (102 m), in the north - Eagle hill (146 m). Plains and lowlands occupy more than 90% of the reserve area

In addition to the largest freshwater lake of Asia - Lake Khanka - there are several other lakes in the estuaries of the rivers: Trostnikovoe, Protoka and Krylovo.

The territory of the reserve is 39 thousand hectares. Plus, a general security zone of 36 hectares - the total area of ​​the buffer zone is almost 74 hectares, including the regional reserve "Khankaisky."

The entire territory of the reserve is divided into five isolated areas in Khankai, Khorol, Chernigov, Spassky and Kirov administrative districts of Primorsky Krai . Here there are such settlements as Spassk-Dalniy, with. Pavlo-Fedorovka, p. Alexandrovka, with. Novoselskoye, with. Sivakovka, p. Old Believers, p. Novomikhaylovka

Khankai State Nature Reserve

History of the Reserve

The idea of ​​creating a reserve and protecting the wetlands of the Khanka lake basin has existed since the 1920s, however, only in December 1990 @ @

Reserves were organized at small sites in the marshes at various times: "Rechnoye" on the southern shore in the delta of the Ilista River (in 1948), "Spassky" (in 1962), "Khanka" on the eastern shore of Lake Khanka (in 1963 .), "Pine" and "Melgunovsky" on the western shore of Lake Khanka (in 1965), "Crane" and "Devil's Marsh" in the valley of the Sungach River flowing northeast from Lake Khanka (in 1979). Some of them were united in the national reserve "Khankaisky" in 1984.

The northern third of Lake Khanka belongs to China. In early 1996, an agreement was signed between the Governments of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China on the establishment of an international Russian-Chinese reserve "Lake Khanka" on the basis of the Khankai Reserve in Russia and the Chinese Sinkai-Hu Reserve.

November 2000 The nature reserve was extended by another 1,300 hectares

In June 2005, the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program included the Khankai National Nature Reserve into the network of biosphere reserves of the world.

How to get to the site

Administration of the reserve: Primorsky Krai. , Spassky r Spassk-Dalniy, st. Ershova, 10.

The reserve is located 220 km to the north of Vladivostok. You can get here by bus from Vladivostok to Spassk-Dalniy, which runs 1 time per day, travel time is 10 hours.

Telephone / Fax: (42352) 2-31-38, 2-32-64, 2- 08-87, e-mail:
