The resort village of Kabardinka is located on the opposite bank of the Novorossiysk coast of Tsemesskaya bay, which ends in the south with Cape Doob. It is a wide picturesque valley, descending towards the sea. Smooth coastal line, calm gentle descent into the water, small depth - this resort is very suitable for children's rest.

The name Kabardinka settlement received in honor of the fortress of the same name, built in 1836 for protection from the mountaineers. As it is clear from the name, the Kabarda regiment was located here

Located just 14 km from Gelendzhik, Kabardinka today is a modern resort village with hotels from the simplest to the five-star.

Named in Kabardinka there is only 5 * hotel in Gelendzhik district under optimistic name "Hope."

Map Kabardinka

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  • 1 Beaches of Kabardinka
  • @ 2 Climate Kabardinki
  • 3 Entertainment, excursions and attractions Kabardinki
  • 4 Entertainment
    • 4.1 We also recommend

Beaches of Kabardinka

Beaches in Kabardinka pebbly. The central beach in peak season is packed with vacationers to the point of refusal. However, it is worth moving slightly aside, and people will be less. The most remote beaches of Kabardinka: Victoria and Cape Doob.

In addition, in Kabardinka there is one of the largest and most famous nudist beaches of the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory. He is hiding from the eyes of curious junipers in a pine avenue. To reach it, you need to pass Cape Doob, go down to the sea and go left along the coast for another 15 minutes

Naberezhnaya Kabardinka

Climate Kabardinka

The climate in Kabardinka is considered the best in Gelendzhik region: mountain-sea, moderately wet and favorable both for rest and for treatment. It is especially favorable for patients with bronchopulmonary diseases.

Thanks to the fact that Kabardinka is surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges that keep the warm wind from the sea and does not let the cool from the mainland, here is the longest holiday season on the coast: from May to November. During these 7 months the weather is mostly dry and warm: Kabardinka is also one of the driest places in Gelendzhik and other more southern areas of the Black Sea coast. According to the number of sunny days and the absence of fogs, the weather in Kabardinka can be compared with the southern shore of the Crimea or Anapa.

The average annual air temperature is 12, 6 ° C, in summer - + 24 ° C: sea breezes do not allow the thermometer to rise very high and soften heat. In spring and autumn strong winds up to 40 m / s are possible.

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul @ авг сен окт ноя дек
day + 7 + 7 + 10 + 15 + 20 + 24 + 27 + 28 + 24 + 19 + 14 + 10
at night + 0 + 0 + 2 + 6 + 11 + 15 + 18 + 18 + 14 + 10 + 5 + 2
water + 7 + 7 + 8 + 11 + 16 + 20 + 23 + 24 + 21 + 17 + 13 + 10
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Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing Kabardinki

It is known that in the Bronze Age tribal builders of dolmens lived on this territory. These stone cemeteries have survived to this day, representing a colossal historical and cultural value. Then, in the 16th century. neighborhood inhabited by the tribes of Circassians and Adygs. This is evidenced by the traditions that have survived to this day, as well as the burial mound located today on the territory of the "Pearl of the Sea" pension in the southeast of the village.

The main old attraction of Kabardinka is the unique Old Park, where on 0, 5 hectares there are architectural structures of various epochs: Ancient Egypt, classical antiquity, the Middle Ages, Art Nouveau and Baroque. They are complemented by fountains, rotundas, corners of landscape architecture and sculptures, complementing the appearance of this or that epoch.

The travelers can see the panorama of the Hero City of Novorossiysk on the tops of Doob Mountain, which are called "Faith, Hope, Love". The relic pine trees grow on the mountain slopes.

And the Kastal font is located in the juniper reserve near the Markhotsky ridge. It is associated with the legend of Nereid, the daughter of the Xanthus king Nereus, and her lover, Argonaut Dmitri. In the middle of the lake surrounded by footpaths there is a small house in medieval style. In the lake there are carp, trout, carp, sazan, where you can fish for an extra fee.

Book popular Kabardinka hotels at the best prices

Nadezhda Hotel from 2 900 rub Kabardinka Mira Street 3
Ahilleon Park Boutique Hotel from 1 500 rubles Kabardinka Abrikosovaya Street 3
Marinus Hotel from 1 600 rubles Kabardinka Kollektivnaya Street 77 Laguna Hotel from 1 200 rubles Kabardinka Kollektivnaya Str.60V


In Kabardinka there is a beautiful embankment, where there are numerous cafes and souvenir shops.

In addition, many children's health camps are working on the territory of Kabardinka, and the resort was entrusted with the title of family and children. In addition, the resort presents unlimited opportunities for walking and water sports. Especially popular is diving: here you can dive on the wrecks "Admiral Nakhimov", "Free Russia" and "Loud."

Photo Kabardinka (25)