Add a review about Bureinsky State Nature Reserve

The reserve is located in the sources of the river. Bureya (Right and Left Bureya), in the system of the Aesop and Dusse-Alin mountain ranges of the Hingano-Bureya upland, in the Verkhnebureinsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The nature reserve features its "boundary" position at the junction of Siberia and the Far East, Along with the mountain relief (the highest point of the reserve is 2325 m above sea level), a special variety of ecosystems. On the territory of the reserve there are 25 species of mammals, including elk, reindeer, musk deer, less often - deer and roe deer. Of predators - brown bear, wolf. Wolverine, sable, ermine, mink live here, occasionally one can meet a lynx.

The peculiarity of the reserve is its "boundary" position at the junction of Siberia and the Far East, which determines, along with the mountainous relief (the highest point of the reserve is 2325 m above the level sea), a special variety of ecosystems.

About 40 species of mammals are found in the reserve. Of these, most often: reindeer, elk, deer, musk deer. The reindeer is found on high mountain meadows, mountain tundra and valleys. The elk, which dwells mainly in the floodplains of the Right and Left Bureya and their large tributaries, belongs to the Ussuriisk subspecies. The favorite habitat of the animal are topogel, willow, birch.

The northern border of the area of ​​the red deer passes through the territory of the reserve. He prefers to stay in the poplar-willow forests. Typical habitats of musk deer are spruce forests, in larch forests it is noted less often. The rarest ungulate in the reserve is the roe deer. In the lower reaches of the Right and Left Bureya passes the northern boundary of its range. Roe deer is rarely found only in the warm season. By winter migrates to the south, since the height of the snow cover in the southern part of the reserve often exceeds the critical value for the species.

About 40 species of mammals are found in the reserve. Of these, the most common are: reindeer, elk, deer, musk deer.

On the territory of the reserve there are representatives of the family of kunih - sable, wolverine, ermine, columns, weasel. Sable is everywhere. The Gornostai inhabits predominantly floodplains of rivers, where its favorite habitat are stony screes. Columns and weasel are very rare.

A brown bear is an ordinary predator. From other large predators there is a wolf. In the winter, in search of prey, it moves exclusively along river beds and springs. Most often attacks moose and reindeer, much less often - red deer. In the south of the western territory, lynx is occasionally encountered.

The following fish species are usual in the rivers of the reserve: grayling, lenok, taimen, octopus loach, minnow, whitefish. All of them, except for taimen, are characterized by summer migrations to the headwaters and small lateral tributaries. In the beginning of autumn they return back.

Address: Khabarovsk Territory, Verkhne-Buurinsky District, Chegdomyn settlement.