Add a review about the Surgut Art Museum

Art Museum of Surgut was founded in 1992 . and today it can be considered the main cultural center of the city . The main accent is made on the domestic art of the late 19th - early 20th century, and also the art of emigration and modern local authors . The museum was also helped by private collectors . In 2001 the . museum occupied the third floor of the Museum Center of Surgut, on the first two floors of which the local history museum is located . Thanks to the new import equipment IAOD organization of exhibition space today looks very modern and allows you to exhibit here for anything, including unusual objects .

The museum contains a collection of archaeological finds, paintings, drawings, sculptures and dolls. A separate exposition is devoted to ironic art.

The collection of ironic art is perhaps the most unusual in the museum. Objects of various kinds are collected here: cartoons and caricatures, sculptural compositions, author dolls.

The uniqueness of the collection of the museum's painting lies in the fact that there is no historical basis for it: the collection was actually collected from scratch . From the very beginning of its existence the museum is actively acquired art objects of recognized masters such as K . Korovin, K . Petrov-Vodkin, N . Krymov . In 2000, . Surgut received a collection of Soviet art items .Today the art collection of the museum includes about 200 works . Among them there is a collection of Russian painting of the first half of the 20th century, a collection of naive painting of the 20th century, a collection of pictures of the art group "Eleven", a selection of artworks of indigenous peoples of Western Siberia, , which began in 1995 .

The graphics collection of the Surgut Art Museum excels all the others: here are collected 5500 drawings, sketches, etchings and watercolors. The main accent in the collection is made on Russian art of the second half of the 19th century. Among the masterpieces that are included in the collection, the works of V. Serov, A. Benois, D. Lagorio, F. Bruni, M. Dobuzhinsky, V. Makovsky, A. Ostroumova-Lebedeva. Among them are sketches of theater costumes, ink drawings, collages, pencil sketches

The Art Subbotnik project is held in the museum: every weekend you can take part in master classes in various types of arts and crafts, mainly for children. @

Very curious is the sculptural collection of the museum. Here you can see extremely diverse works: statues, reliefs, miniature figures. The core of the collection was a collection of carved works on the bone: a series of "Pleasure", figurines of which are carved from the bone of a mammoth, moose horn, a sperm whale's tooth. Also there are collections devoted to the subjects of the Far North, exhibits of which are carved from the corresponding materials: wood, soapstone, tusks. Curious and a small selection of cast bronze figures of modern style.

Exhibition "Kuklyandiya. People and dolls "in the Surgut Art Museum

In the archaeological collection of the museum more than 11 thousand . objects are collected, the oldest of which date back to the early Iron Age, and the latest ones to the Middle Ages . Here are presented unique artifacts, both local and brought back here millennia ago from Western Europe, Iran and other countries . Also here you can see items from the Nivagall hoard (1-3 centuries . e .), Kholmogory treasure (3-4 centuries and . e .), one of the largest collections of bronze objects of the animal style of 9-12 centuries, Medieval silver objects and ceramics ages 9-14, as well as cold steel .

small collection of dolls not intended to be "old" or "historicity." She was born in 2002 with the purchase of several dolls of Tyumen artists and was later supplemented with works by authors from Ekaterinburg, Nizhnevartovsk, Tagil, and Finland and Canada. In total there are about 70 works from different materials: fabric, metal, wood, plastics, ceramics.

The collection of ironic art is perhaps the most unusual in the museum. Here are collected items of various kinds: cartoons and cartoons, sculptural compositions, author's dolls. The collection was created on the basis of the forum of visual humor "Caricaturum", organized in 2001. While this is the only museum collection in Russia of ironic art. There are more than 1200 artists from more than 70 countries of the world - 5,500+ works by Russian authors alone.

Practical information

Address: The museum center is located at ul. 30 Years of Victory, 21/2.

Working hours: Wednesday and Friday: 10:00 - 17:00 (the ticket office closes at 16:15), on Saturday and Sunday: until 17:30 (the ticket office closes at 17: 00), on Thursday: 12:00 - 19:00 (the ticket office closes at 18:15).

Admission: for adults: 80 RUB, for children 7-18 years: 50 RUB, for children 3-7 years: 20 RUB, for students and pensioners: 50 RUB (January 2015).