Add a review about the Porokhovoy cellar in Azov

The Powder Cellar - the monument is really unique: it is the only fortification object of the Catherine's epoch, preserved in the south of Russia . He took his place in the former bastion of St. Anna @ in the heart of the Azov fortress . @.The first wooden cellar was built in 1770 ., in 25 years the structure was dilapidated, there were plans for its reorganization . However, only by 1801 . was rebuilt a new brick cellar building: it was a rectangular structure with a tambour and storage bins powder and kernels, with a semicircular roof vault .The total height of the squat building is 12 m, since it is 5 m buried in the ground . The walls of the cellar have a special feature: a double masonry with intermediate ventilation creates a "thermos effect" to maintain a dry microclimate, and additional makings and reinforcement of the roof add up protective properties .

The powdery cellar is a unique monument: it is the only fortification object of the Catherine's epoch, preserved in the south of Russia.

A bit of history

The Azov fortress was disbanded as early as 1810 ., and for more than a hundred years the cellar was used for household needs, in it kept fish, salt, ice and other products of long-term storage . Only in 1956 . architects achieved the recognition of the cellar as a monument of military engineering art among other structures of the Azov fortress . After 5 years there was a restoration In the building the exposition of the museum of local lore was opened . For visitors the powder cellar was opened in 1967 ., becoming the first museum of the city, the opening was timed to the 900th anniversary of Azov . The museum's exhibition is devoted to the most important milestones of Russian history 17 -18 centuries, according to the presented exhibits (mostly true), one can trace the role of Azov in the military history of Russia . Every year more than 80 thousand . tourists come here to witness this model of military engineering art with their own eyes .

More about the exposition

The central exposition object is the historical building of the powder cellar, recognized as a monument of federal significance. Interest for visitors is the author's diorama artist A. Chernyshev "Storm Azov July 18, 1696" - this is the oldest exhibit in the museum. The collection includes drawings of military objects of the Azov fortress, firearms, artillery arsenal, and old tools of the Petrine era. In 1995, the powder cellar presented a new exposition "Azov in the fine arts and cartography of Peter's time."

In 2010 the capital reconstruction of the exposition took place, during which the atmosphere of the past centuries was recreated thanks to stylized lighting and installations. Visitors are given an invaluable opportunity to walk among the ancient walls with a powder lantern and see how the gunpowder, shells and cores for the old cannons and mortars were stored.

By the way, the cannon installed in front of the building is genuine, it was cast from copper by Russian masters of the 17th century.
Powder cellar of the Azov fortress

Useful information

Address: Azov, ul. Lermontov Str., 6,

Phone: +7 (86-342) 4-11-09.

Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00, Monday: visiting excursion groups


Entrance: 60 RUB, for children under 18: 30 RUB, for preschool and military personnel: 20 RUB, for participants of the Second World War and visitors with disabilities: 50 RUB, for children under 3 years old, Heroes of the Soviet Union and students of higher educational institutions free admission. Excursions: 200-300 RUB.

How to get there: by car through the square of the world along Kalinina Street, then along Lermontov Street.

Prices are indicated for January 2015