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There is one interesting place in the Tuapse area that can be translated from Armenian as six clearings - from the words "altas" as six and "binal" as a glade. This place is located in the upper reaches of the Pshish River.

Khutor Altubinal is known since 1877, and if you think that you will find shops, civilization and electricity here, you are mistaken. This city is half-abandoned, and the population is only 33 people. All because before the farm Altubinal can be reached only on an off-road car, as there are no roads here. But, despite the complete lack of infrastructure, it is worth to come here because there are a lot of attractions in the whole district here.

For those who prefer to storm high peaks of mountains, there is Mount Xessi, 1839 meters high. If you like to walk through the forest, there is a tract Altubinal. And if you do not mind trying delicious honey - welcome to the Bee rocks.

For the most part, all the attractions of the Altubinal village are quite difficult to reach mountains or tracts. Most roads will not be overcome even by an excellent jeep: only the most experienced tourists can reach the summit of Mount Shesey, but the types are worth: a panorama of the mountain ridges from Sochi to Tuapse - for this you can pay for comfort: 20 kilometers off-road.

There is one interesting place in the Tuapse area that can be translated from Armenian as six clearings - from the words "altas" as six and "binal" as a meadow. This place is located in the upper reaches of the river Pshish

The tract Altubinal is the area between the same settlement and another one, called Goitkh. Here come to admire the unique neighborhood: who would have thought that the chestnuts perfectly get along with the pines. There is no other such natural boundary anywhere in the world. The trees are on average 100 - 150 years old, this is edible, not horse, chestnut and pine Koch. There are copies here, which are 300 years old - in general it is clear why many from the Altubinal village immediately go here.

And the next attraction is for sweeties - Bee rocks. They are called so not according to their form. It should be understood literally: here there are three Honey caves in which the colonies of bees settle. In the heat, honey oozes from the clefts of the rocks. They say that it's more delicious than honey here.

Miracles of the Altubinal farm do not end there: there is still the rock Orlan, named so because it is formed by vertical rocky outcroppings, blocks, spiers and an upward cliff in the form of an eagle. Sheer stairs - from 40 to 80 meters.