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Lotos are most often associated with Asia. This flower can be found in India or China, but present it in the Krasnodar Territory .... However, for 30 years, lotuses have been grown in the Kuban, on the Taman Peninsula. Local heat of fresh water allowed to create whole plantations. So there was a well-known Valley of lotuses.

The valley is located near the Akhatanizovsky estuary near the villages of Golubitskaya, Starotitarovskaya and Peresyp. You can get here with the help of any travel agency - buy a ticket and go with a guide. If you travel by yourself, then by car you need to go along the Temryuk-Strelka highway to get to the Cossack Eric, and then follow the signposts "Lotus."

There is a belief that you need to whisper the name of a loved one in the opening lotus, and then he will with you all my life. Many tourists do it: they bend over to the flowers and whisper.

Near the Akhtanizovsky estuary the banks are swamped, so it is safe to get to the lotus on a boat or boat. The canal leading to the Valley is man-made - it was dug up 200 years ago. On the boat the path to the lotuses will take about 15 minutes, on the ship - 40 minutes. Time of departure is constantly varying depending on whether the group is recruited.

By the way, fishermen come to the Valley of lotuses. The local river - Yerik - is rich in ramming, perch, pike, bream.

Walk on the boat passes through the real jungle. More precisely, in the area, which is very much like the jungle, if they really were in the Kuban. On the way you can meet white and gray herons, turtles, kingfishers and ducks. Above the water hang pussy, twined vines.

Lotuses appear near the place of confluence of Erik in the Akhtanizovsky estuary. Flowers of Indian pink lotus reach in diameter of 15 centimeters. They actively bloom from mid-July to August. The revealed lotus lives only 10-12 days, after which it fades, and in its place remains a basket with seeds. So the flower, perishing, bestows life on the following.

Valley of lotuses

Lotuses are strictly forbidden to tear! These flowers are listed in the Red Book. In addition, it does not make any sense to tear them apart - a lotus torn off from water will live 10 minutes.

There is a belief that you need to whisper the name of a loved one in the unfolding lotus, and then he will be with you all his life. Many tourists do the same: bend down to the flowers and whisper.

Guides will tell a lot of legends associated with the lotuses and this Valley. On average, a group walk to this charming valley lasts 6 hours. Boats and steamers are equipped with everything necessary for rest - here you can drink, grab a snack, fish and eat a fresh shish kebab or a hunting ear.

After a walk through the Lotus Valley, tourists usually go to a dwarf forest nearby. Here once the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin was walking, who later wrote "The oak tree is green ..."

 Lotus valley, Krasnodar Territory  Lotus of lotuses
@ Lotus Valley
 Lotus, Lotus Valley, Krasnodar Territory  Lotus Valley
Lotus, Lotus of the Lotus
 How are excursions around the Valley of lotuses, Krasnodar Territory  Lotus Valley
How are excursions around the Lotus Valley