Add a review about the Tunguska Nature Reserve

Obviously, you've heard about the Tunguska meteorite, so the history of the creation of a nature reserve in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, or rather in the southern part of the Evenki District, is inextricably linked to this unexplored natural phenomenon. June 30, 1908 in the interfluve of Podkamennaya Tunguska, a super-powerful explosion of a space object of unknown nature occurred. And although there is almost no trace left of the fall, this mystery of the earth and the cosmos entails more and more tourists.

How to get there

The central manor of the reserve is in the village of Vanavara. From Moscow to get better by air, it will be faster, but at a price approximately, like by train. Fly first to Krasnoyarsk, then from there to Vanavara. The railway will have to travel three days to Krasnoyarsk, and then move to the airport and fly to the village - otherwise it can not get in.

In June 1908, a super-powerful explosion of a space object occurred in the interfluve of Podkamennaya Tunguska. In a matter of seconds, a devastating whirlwind poured wood within a radius of about 40 kilometers. Scientists compare the energy of the explosion with the force of two thousand nuclear bombs, like the Hiroshima

Tunguska phenomenon

About the preservation of the territory related to the Tunguska phenomenon, in the 1920s Leonid Kulik started talking, but the decision to form the reserve was accepted only in 1995 . Now the area of ​​the reserve is 296 thousand hectares . The territory can be conditionally divided into two parts . At first the mysterious explosion occurred . In a matter of seconds the destructive whirlwind fell forest in a radius of about 40 kilometers . Researchers speaking its energy can be compared with the force of two thousand nuclear bombs like Hiroshima . This territory is a "testing ground" for studying the ecological consequences of the Tunguska meteorite . Another part of the reserve has not been directly affected by the explosion, but still of scientific interest, at least because it is located next to .

Kulik's Eaves

Now it is a historical landmark, but they were built by the explorer of the Tunguska phenomenon Leonid Kulik. In 1927, 19 years after the fall of the meteorite, the Academy of Sciences organized a special expedition under his leadership. Kulik was a scientific secretary of the committee on meteorites. Despite a very difficult time, he manages to get money for a research trip. This expedition paved the way to the place of the fall through the deep taiga and found the center of the forest explosion.
You can see the Kulik huts in one of the three tourist routes permitted on the territory of the reserve. This walking tour is called "On the Kulik trail."

"Churgim" waterfall

Churgimsky Falls is a landmark of the reserve, you can get to it by choosing one of the two permitted water ecological and educational routes. With rapid jets, he falls from a 10-meter height into a lake in which you can swim, and around the colored rocks. Rising along the slopes along the waterfall, you find yourself in a 150-meter-high stone canyon. On the slope up there is a trail to the Cascadna mountain, from which a magnificent view of the valley of Churgim opens.

Open-air museum

An open-air ethnographic museum is opened at the Yadulikan cordon, which acquaints tourists with the culture of the Evenk people.

 Venerin Shoe, Tungusky Reserve, Krasnoyarsk Territory  Tunguska Reserve
Venerin Shoe, Tungus Nature Reserve
 Mammoth Zub, Tungus Nature Reserve, Krasnoyarsk Territory  Tungus Nature Reserve
Mammoth Tongue , Tungusk nature reserve
 torozhka, Tunguska Reserve, Krasnoyarsk
Gatehouse, Tunguska Reserve