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The tract Pine Sword is famous, as it is natural to assume, with pines . But it's not just pine trees: it is a real relic forest of the prehistoric period, some of its plants have been counted thousands of years! In the tract, amazingly Caucasian Caucasian and Crimean plants share a surprisingly . The most common in this vast grove is the Crimean pine, which occupies the lion's share of the area . But further, beyond it, there are other samples of ancient flora: hornbeam, Pitsunda pine, juniper bushes , ash, scooties and oaks . Pine forest stretches from vineyards near Arkhipo-Osipovka to the very shore of the sea, starting about 4 km from the village . The soil on which trees grow is mostly limestone, last period m The Ezosoic era . That is, the places here have seen dinosaurs!

It's not just pine trees: it's a real relic forest of the prehistoric period, some of its plants have been counted for thousands of years!

The tract Pine Szczel is a part of the nature protection zone of the region and has an important ecological significance. He is guarded by Arkhipo-Osipovka forestry. It is worth to come here to wander among the pines and how to breathe in the invigorating air: it has very useful healing properties. However, those who suffer from hypertension, it is better to be cautious here: some note that in hot weather, a headache can begin in the grove.

An interesting grass carpet under the trees: among the plants one can see those that are found exclusively in the Caucasus , - for example, thymus or rare succulents. There are pedestrian paths along the grove, as well as wider paths that are completely passable for bicyclists

How to get there

Arkhipo-Osipovka is 50 km from Gelendzhik on the M4 highway. You can get by private car, by bus (goes to the bus station near the church) or minibus (it takes you to the mill).