The Khosta district (Khosta) stretches along the coast for about 14 km, occupying the territory from the Kudepsta River to the Vereshaginka River. For those who do not represent this region - the Khostinsky district is located between Adler and the center of Sochi. Here are the micro-districts of Khosta, Kudepsta and the famous Matsesta

This is a small resort village, a place for a quiet rest: there is no such fuss and crush here as in the Central region. Infrastructure, meanwhile, is well developed: there are restaurants, bars, clubs, discotheques, a cinema

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  • 1 How to call
  • @ 2 The history of the resort
  • 3 How to get here
    • 3.1 Search for air tickets to the city of Adler (nearest a / p to Hosta)
  • 4 Hosts
  • 5 Beaches Hosts
  • 6 Climate Hosts
  • 7 Cuisine and restaurants
  • 8 Entertainment, excursions and attractions Hosts
    • 8.1 Also we recommend

How to call

8-8622-phone number

Map Hosts

History of the resort

Where does the name Hosta come from, it is difficult to say . Supposedly, this is Ubykh word meaning "wild boar" . In modern times There are several meanings: "beautiful river", "beregis-river" . The history of the Khosta district as a resort started relatively recently, since the beginning of the 20th century . The history of Hosts-village is much older . In its vicinity you can see ruins of ancient temples and fortresses . Once upon a time there lived the warlike tribe of the Ubykhs, but after the Caucasian War the Ubykhs moved to Turkey . Time did not spare these places, and by the time when Khost was given the status of the city (1899), its I had to populate the new . What was done - well barking allocated land with the condition of their development within 3 years . Since 1912 began beautification of the city, and gradually rest in Khost became firmly associated with the holiday .

 Hosta Hosta
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How to get

Get to Hosts on trains (there is a station of Hosta where almost all trains passing to Adler stop), by bus or minibus from the railway station of Sochi or Adler or by bus from the airport in Adler.

Modernity dictates its living conditions , therefore, to get to Khosta or the health resorts of the Khosta district will never be a problem.

Search for tickets to the city of Adler (the nearest airport to Khost)

Hotels Hosty

Rest in Khosta is first and foremost known hotels and hotels, such as Radisson SAS-Lazurnaya, Sochi-Breeze-Hotel, Gem Zhemchuzhina, Svetlana sanatoria, Cape Vidny (MPS), them. Frunze, them. Ordzhonikidze, Sochi TsVKS (formerly Voroshilov), Metallurg, etc.

Here is also built a modern federal sports training complex "Parus", consisting of 2 corps of 4 * -star and 2 * -star and which combines the sailing center.

Book popular hotels Hosts at the best prices

Green Hosta Hotel from 2 200 rub Khosta Platanovaya Str.15B
Aquamarine Resort from 1 100 rub Khosta Yaltinskaya Ulitsa 4A Hotel Tornau from 1,000 rubles Khosta Novorossiyskoe Shosse 7

Full list of hotels Hosts

Beaches Hosts

The main feature of the beaches of the Khosta district is their infinity and access NOSTA (except Cape visible). The beach area starts from the Adler district, and stretches to the center of Sochi.

Almost all the beaches of the Khostinsky district are free, urban, equipped, small-pebble or sand-and-shingle. On all beaches there is a full set of standard entertainment on the water for an additional fee. There are equipped aerials here, raised to the level of the second floor. Some of them are used for nudist rest, since they have a small fence. The sea here is quite clean and pleasant, because unlike the center of Sochi, there are not so many people here. Beaches are cleaned daily

Beach Hosts

Climate Hosts

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul aug sen ok nov douk
by day + 8 +9 + 11 + 15 + 18 + 23 + 25 + 25 + 23 + 18 + 14 +10
at night + 2 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 12 + 16 + 18 + 18 + 15 + 11 + 7 + 3
water + 9 + 8 + 8 + 10 + 15 + 20 + 23 + 24 + 22 + 18 + 14 + 11

You can not ignore the climate favorable for recreation in Khost. The temperature here is 1 degree higher than in Central Sochi, and the humidity is lower. This is due to the special geographical location of the Khosta district in the depths of the Tikhaya Bay. On three sides the bay is protected by mountains, so there are no cold winds, and a nice breeze comes from the sea, giving a light coolness in the heat.

Thanks to the mild subtropical climate, even very whimsical and demanding plants grow well here. In Khostinsky district there is a plantation of cork oak, an amazing tree that gives an industrial cork. And in fact skeptics assured, that the cork oak here will not grow - not those conditions!

Cuisine and restaurants

It's a good idea to eat at Host, it's a fact. Prices are loyal, the choice is wide enough: from cafes, bars, cheburechny to elite restaurants.

On the way from Khosta to the center of Sochi, at the turn from Kurortny prospect to the neighborhood of Bytkha there is Cheburechnaya on one side, on the other "Khinkalnaya" . Cheburechnaya has existed since time immemorial and the quality of chebureks remains at a fairly good level, there it is always possible to quickly and tasty snack . Despite the not super-modern look, in khinkali make excellent khinkali (big dumplings from mutton such as manti) . In addition There are a lot of dishes here. of the Caucasian cuisine, including from lamb . Served very quickly and unobtrusively, always fresh and delicious, the prices are very acceptable .
Sergey Vasin

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Hosts

@ Hostina district, despite its small size is rich in various historical and natural attractions. Here are located: relict Tisso-boxwood grove (protected nature monument), canyon Devil's Gate, Vorontsov caves, Kalinovo Lake, tower on Mount Akhun, Eagle (White) rocks, etc.

, choosing for housing caves in the area of ​​the modern Yew-boxwood grove. The results of archaeological excavations from Khostinskaya, Vorontsovskaya and Navalishenskaya caves are not only in the museum of the history of the resort city of Sochi, but also in the Hermitage, the State Historical Museum in Moscow.

Photos Hosts (14)