Zaraysk is a city on the river Osetr, 160 kilometers southeast of Moscow. Due to the lack of major highways and rail links, Zaraysk is usually not included in tourist routes, and, I must say, in vain. Despite some desolation and neglect, the city where Evpatiy Kolovrat gathered his squads, where the liberation movement Dmitry Pozharsky started, and where the German offensive was stopped during the Second World War, remembers and carefully keeps many of the pages of his glorious history.

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How to get to Zaraysk

Bus No. 330 is sent from the metro station. Vykhino with an interval of about an hour, from 07.30 to 20.30, daily. Estimated travel time is 2, 5 hours (taking into account the traffic jams takes longer). Zaraysk bus station is located right near the Kremlin

Alternative route - by train from the Kazan station to Golutvin station (2, 5 hours), from 45 minutes by bus to Zaraysk.

By car - along the highway M5 (Novo-Ryazanskoye highway ) to Lukhovitsa, then follow the signs to the right.

Paragraph of history

On the side of the major highways and roads, almost two hundred kilometers from Moscow, on the picturesque right bank of the river Osetor stands the ancient city of Zaraysk. Now a small regional center, and once a powerful fortress, reflecting the raids of steppe hordes. Despite a difficult historical destiny, Zaraysk has preserved for us many monuments of glorious past times, and most importantly its own face. The city is mentioned in the annals under different names, mainly associated with the name of the river on which it is located - either Sturgeon or hailstorm . It is possible that the city was destroyed during one of the steppes' raids on Rus. The following annalistic mention dates back to 1225, when the miraculous image of Nicholas the Wonderworker was transferred to Krasny (the old name of the future Zaraysk) from Korsun (now Chersonese) The first famous prince of the city was the Ryazan prince Fyodor Yuryevich who erected fortifications in the city. The hordes of Batu, who destroyed everything in their path, were not spared by Red, the city was ruined and burned in 1237.

Prince Fedor was killed in the battle with Batu, and Princess Evpraksiya, along with her son Ivan, not wanting to surrender to the Tatars, threw herself out of the house and broke ("caught"). Since then, the city has been called Zarazsky or the City of St. Nicholas of Korsun.

For a long time the city is not mentioned in any source, and only in the 14th century it appears again under the name of Novgorod-on-Osotre. In the 16th century the city was annexed to Moscow, a stone Kremlin was being built here, and instead of a wooden church of St. Nicholas, a stone church was laid. The new powerful fortress throughout the 16th century more than once reflected the siege and raids of the enemy. In 1550, on the orders of Ivan IV, the Church of St. John the Baptist was built here. At that time the city was called Zaraysk-on-Osotra.

From 1610 to 1611, the town's voivode was the famous prince Dmitry Pozharsky. Whence, after arranging order, he advanced with his militia detachment to liberate Moscow.
During the Time of Troubles not far from Zaraysk there were fights between the detachments of Vasily Shuisky and Ivan Boltnikov, the city was occupied by the troops of False Dmitry II in 1608, and in 1609 was liberated by Prokopy militias Lyapunov.

Voivode of the city from 1610 to 1611 was the famous prince Dmitry Pozharsky. Whence, having put things in order, he advanced with his detachment of militia to liberate Moscow. The name Zaraysk finally strengthened outside the city in the 17th century. And in 1669, not far from the city, the first Russian ship "Eagle" was launched. Zaraysk loses its defensive importance and becomes a major center of crafts and trade. At the beginning of the 19th century Zaraysk became the center of the bakery (the city is still famous for its agriculture), and later the footwear, leather and textile industries appear here.

Zaraysk climate

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan @ фев мар апр май июн июл авг сен окт ноя дек
daytime - 6 - 4 + 1 + 10 + 18 + 21 + 23 + 21 + 15 + 8 + 1 - 3
at night - 12 - 11 - 5 + 1 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 12 + 7 + 2 - 3 - 8
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In the immediate vicinity of the Kremlin there are cafes "Izba" and "Sturgeon" (Karl Marx street). In the building of the former club of the factory "Krasny Vostok" (Privokzalnaya Str., 1) there is an entertainment complex with the same name, where there is a restaurant, bar and billiards, and on Friday and Saturday a disco.

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Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing Zaraysk

Zaraisk Kremlin

The Kremlin, which in its time repeatedly reflected raids the enemy, it seems, could now successfully fulfill its mission - this is the only one that has completely preserved REGARD fortifications suburbs, he -.

most compact in the Kremlin is Zaraiskaya park - archaeological site of the Paleolithic, and a monument of world importance. During the excavations various objects of everyday life of primitive people were found here: for example, a hoe from a mammoth tusk, a necklace of fox teeth, various figurines and other no less amazing things. Therefore, although Zaraysk is mentioned in chronicles for the first time only in 1146, the first settlers appeared in these places much earlier.

Excellent panorama of the city opens from the bridge over the river Osetr (from the Kremlin to it it is necessary to go along the street of the 25th anniversary of Victory). The new tradition of the newlyweds has not bypassed, and Zaraysk - the bridge is hung up with locks.
Zaraisk Kremlin

Temples of Zaraysk

Inside the Kremlin there are two cathedrals - John the Baptist (the beginning of the XX century) and the St. Nicholas Cathedral (XVII century), in which the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas. The only church that did not close in the Soviet era was the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin on Komsomolskaya Street. Many of the temples of the city have suffered the sad fate of destruction, as reported by commemorative steles.

Despite the fact that Zaraysk is quite a small town, and local authorities appear not to be too concerned with preserving the historical heritage, the city makes a very pleasant impression, and the number of interesting objects for the traveler is simply off scale.

Legends of Zaraysk

Miracle-working icon of St. Nicholas was for a long time in the temple of the Apostle James, in Korsun (modern Chersonese). The priest of the church three times appeared in a dream of St. Nicholas, commanding the icon to be carried to the Ryazan land. On the spot where in 1225 the special prince Fyodor Yuryevich took the Korsun icon, a holy spring called White Well was hammered. The source, like the icon, has survived to this day.

In the Great Field, between the ancient villages of Nikolo-Kobylskoye and Kitaevo, there is a place known as the Tomb of the Knight, where Yevpatiy Kolovrat is buried.


The historical, architectural, art and archaeological museum "Zaraisk Kremlin" keeps collections of paintings, sculptures, applied arts and household items: furniture, dishes, clothes of townspeople. It is open daily from 9.00 to 18.00 (except Monday and the last day of each month)

The complex also includes the Kremlin itself, a parking lot and two other museums:

  • Dostoevsky Museum-Estate in the village of Darovoe (12 km to the south-west from the city). Fyodor Mikhailovich had spent his childhood and adolescence in Darovo, and only a part of the outbuilding, where a small exhibition is located, is located to this day
  • The house-museum of sculptor A. S. Golubkina (38, Dzerzhinsky St.)
Annually at the end of May in Zaraysk is the Bakhrushin Charity Festival

Photo Zaraysk (13)