Add a review about the Lensovet Theater in St. Petersburg

The Lensovet Theater has its history of November 19, 1933, when the first performance of the play "Mad Money" by Alexander Ostrovsky was played at the house of the former Dutch church on Nevsky Prospekt. The theater arose as a category of creative energy of a group of artists led by director Isaak Krolm and received the name "New."

Soon the collective nearly ceased to exist: the fire that began in the dressmaker destroyed its premise. But the success of the first performances in which the founding actors of the troupe Ksenia Kurakina, Roman Rubinshtein, Mikhail Rozanov, Alexander Zhukov shone, did not pass unnoticed.

You can see the touching Alice Freundlich and the restrained Anna Kovalchuk at the Lensoviet Theater. Their sold-out performances - "To Every Wise Man are quite simple", "Funny Money", "Oscar and the Pink Lady" and a new production of "The Spanish Ballade" by Feuchtwanger.

The outstanding theater figures of Leningrad appealed to the city authorities with a request to provide promising colleagues with another scenic area. And in 1936 the New Theater began to work in the specially reconstructed Theater Hall of AI Pavlova (named after the former owner) on Troitskaya Street (now 13 Rubinshteina Street). Today this room is occupied by the children's musical theater "Through the Looking Glass", and before that the House of amateur performances with the famous Leningrad rock club was located for a long time.

In 1953, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the troupe, the theater was given a new name - the Leningrad Council. Performances of the theater became participants of the most prestigious Russian and foreign festivals. Among the awards are the highest theater professional awards "Golden Sofit" and "Golden Mask."

Theater repertoire

The Leningrad City Council staged many wonderful performances aimed at the most diverse circles of viewers: "Let's live, we'll see", "The door to an adjacent room", "Jacques and his lord", "The King, Queen, Jack", "With a fool", "Brother Rabbit on Wild Sunday for a picnic. "

The performances of other talented directors are on the stage of the Lensovet Theater: Yuri Butusov -" The Bedbug "," Waiting for the Year "," Caligula "," Wojciek "; Oleg Levakov - "You and only you", "Tram" Desire "", "The Cat in Boots"; Gennady Trostyanetsky - "Imaginary patient", "Karenin. Anna. Vronsky "; Vladimir Vetrogonov - "On a Strong Place"; Tatyana Kazakova - "Samodurs"; Andrey Andreev - "Adskiy sad."

Fragment of the theatrical production

The current director and the main director of the theater is Yury Butusov, who replaced Vladimir Pazi, who left behind the beautiful cast of the troupe. Theater them. The Leningrad City Council emphasizes entertaining plays from classical literature, which are enjoyed by the public with unchanging success. Alisa Freindlikh, Mikhail Boyarsky, Irina Mazurkevich, Leonid Dyachkov and others visited the theater during the theater's work

Useful information

Theater opening hours: Mon - Sun 11: 00-21: 30.

Addresses: St. Petersburg, pr-kt Vladimirsky, 12; tel .: +7 (812) 113-21-91.