Add a review about the Mint in St. Petersburg

Have you ever thought about where the coins come from, which we wear almost every day in our pockets and purses? So, these coins produce the oldest and most famous for the whole world Mint of Russia, located in St. Petersburg . The Mint was founded by the decree of Peter I in 1724, which punished "a gold coin to make in the fortress" . So to this day, this decree is not violated - the Mint is located within the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress . In 1899, marking its 175th anniversary, the enterprise issued a commemorative medal with a laconic inscription: "Founded by the Governor of Emperor Peter I in 1724" .

In 1899, marking its 175th anniversary, the company issued a memorial th medal with a laconic inscription: "Founded by the order of Emperor Peter I in 1724."

In early 1918, in connection with the preparation for the first monetary reform in Russia, the Mint completely stopped its work, and it was possible to resume it only in 20 th years. The name was also changed - in 1924 the enterprise was renamed the Leningrad Mint. During the Great Patriotic War and the siege of Leningrad the Court was evacuated to the city of Krasnokamsk and only in the spring of 1943 returned to its native walls. The medals "For the Defense of Leningrad" were subsequently minted here.

The Mint building belongs to the architecture of classicism - the central two-storey part standing on the dais is crowned with a triangular front, and the lateral two-story wings complete with round towers with flat domes.

In its history, the Mint minted gold, platinum, silver and copper coins of all merits , participated in the mass re-engraving of copper coins in 1762 and 1796, and also performed medal work.

At the time, the Mint of St. Petersburg produced even foreign coins, for example, Dutch ducats and that Russian piastres.
Mint today

Until the beginning of the 19th century, the Mint was much inferior technically to its European counterparts, the centers of the chased business, but after the purchase of the English steam engines, production resumed with new force, allowing the coins to be produced at a modern level. Not so long ago, the next complex reconstruction was carried out, and now the enterprise is equipped with the latest technology that allows producing high-world products

By the way about the products . Besides the coins themselves - mass and souvenir - the yard is engaged in the issue of medals, orders, and since 2004 even jewelery production has opened on its base . In addition, the Mint carries out individual orders . Its products are especially appreciated in Russia and abroad - high level of decoration and impeccable quality The production of coinage leaves no one indifferent . The jewelry of the enterprise is sold by such companies as, for example, the Moscow retail chain "Adamas" and the St. Petersburg chain of stores "14 carats" .

Practical information

Address: St. Petersburg , Peter and Paul Fortress, etc.

Excursions are held for small groups by appointment at a travel agency

 Mint in St. Petersburg  Mint in St. Petersburg
Mint in St. Petersburg
 Exterior fragments, Mint in St. Petersburg  Mint in St. Petersburg @
Fragments of the exterior, Mint in St. Petersburg