Add a review of the Menshikov Palace

Menshikov Palace on Vasilievsky Island (1710-1727) - the first of a series of palaces built for higher dignitaries - "nestlings of Petrov's nest" . The best architects worked on it, including Trezini and Rastrelli Sr. . Menshikov constantly demanded changes, so the construction was delayed until the ex-favorite was exiled to Siberia . The three-story palace was filled with paintings, statues, silks and other art objects to the eyeballs . Nowadays the palace has undergone a number of significant changes and The State Hermitage Museum Complex

This is one of the first preserved buildings of the city, combining residential and administrative functions

The palace combines traditional Russian and new receptions and forms for Russia, all the achievements in the construction and art of that time. The decoration and decoration of the rooms used marble and painting "in the form of marble", monumental and decorative painting and sculpture, antique and modern Italian sculpture, carved and typed wood, painted Dutch cobalt tiles and Russian stove tiles, painted and embossed leather, various fabrics and woolen trellis

The exposition presents works of art and objects of everyday life of the end of the 17th - first third of the 18th century, as well as a few preserved memorials belonging to Peter the Great and the master of the palace.

The museum in the palace is open Xia in 1981. Visitors can see the restored interiors of the palace lobby and grand staircase, walnut room, reception room, bedroom, dining room, rooms of DM Menshikov. The rooms decorated with white and blue Dutch tiles are very distinctive

Menshikov Palace

Practical information

Address: St. Petersburg, nab. Universitetskaya, 15, website.

Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10.30 - 18.00, Sunday 10.30 - 17.00, the day off is Monday, the ticket offices are closed: Tuesday - Saturday at 4.30 pm, Sunday at 4.00 pm

@ You can drive to the palace from the station. m. "Vasileostrovskaya"; trolley buses No. 1, 10, 11, buses No. 7, 24, express bus No. 187 to the stop. "University"

 Menshikov Palace, St. Petersburg  Menshikov's Palace
Menshikov's Palace
 Lounge, Menshikov's Palace, St. Petersburg  Menshikov's Palace
Living room, Menshikov's Palace
 One of the rooms, Menshikov's Palace, St. Petersburg  Menshikov's Palace
One of the rooms, Menshikov's Palace
 Canteen, Menshikov's Palace, St. Petersburg  Mensh Palace kov
Dining Menshikov Palace, Menshikov Palace