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The picturesque surroundings of the Volga town of Plesa, along with the church and religious monuments, attracted the special creative attention of Isaak Levitan, who opened here an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

Levitan's house-museum is located in the oldest merchant Solodovnikov's mansion, in which the artist settled in the summer of 1888.

No wonder that it was in Plese since 1972 that the unique Levitan House Museum works - a place where fans of Levitan's creativity come from all over the world of the world. And in 1982 the Levitan House Museum gave the basis to the whole museum reserve, which includes more than 100 monuments of Ples architecture, the house-museum of the artist, the landscape museum and other cultural objects.

The Plisian period of Levitan's creativity was incredibly fruitful, he created here 23 paintings and more than two hundred sketches. Plesu devoted to the paintings "Quiet abode", "After the rain. Ples "," Evening. Golden Fleece "," Birch Grove ", considered masterpieces of Russian landscape painting

The Levitan house-museum is located in the oldest merchant mansion of Solodovnikov where the artist and his companions Sofya Kuvshinnikova and Alexei Stepanov settled in the summer of 1888 in two rooms mezzanine. Later, this house Levitan captured on the canvas "Ancient Courtyard".

In the Edge of Levitan. House on the bank of the Volga
The exposition of the Levitan House Museum consists of three halls. On the first floor you can get acquainted with the work of the artist as a whole, see his original works, and at the second, in the mezzanine, the visitors are waiting for the recreated atmosphere of the life of the late 19th century.

The enthusiastic guides will tell every guest of the house museum about the creative and life biography Isaac Levitan, about his works, and also about his friendship with Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who had never been to Plyos, but described him in the story "The Booty", dedicated to the real story of the relationship between the artist and Sofya Kuvshinnikova.

Chekhov's story, due to the ironic manner of creating the image of the protagonist, even caused a quarrel between two friends who later restored the friendly relations.

Work time: Tuesday - Sunday: 9:30 - 17:30, Monday - closed.

Address: Ples, ul. Lunacharsky, 4.