The only botanical museum in the country is located on the territory of the Botanical Garden. The collection of the museum includes the richest botanical collections collected by famous scientists-travelers NM Przhevalsky, PK Kozlov, GN Potanin, VI Roborovsky, VL Komarov and others.
There are four expositions in the museum: "Vegetation of the World", "History and Evolution of Plants"; "Vegetable resources of our Motherland"; "Plants and people." In greenhouses of 1 hectare, built in the last century, grow tropical and subtropical plants from around the world. The park-arboretum of the Botanical Garden, an area of 16 hectares, introduces the diverse plants of our country, other countries of Europe, Asia and North America. More than eight thousand species of plants are represented in the greenhouses and the park of the Botanical Garden
Useful Information
Opening Hours: open on Wed, Sat and Sun from 11:00 to 17:00.
Address : St. Petersburg, st. Professor Popov, 2; tel .: +7 (812) 346-36-39.