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A few kilometers from Pereslavl-Zalessky on the shore of Pleshcheyevo Lake lies a huge boulder called the "Blue Stone". Currently, it has a blue-gray color and very slowly plunges into the ground. After him, the glory of the miraculous has long been entrenched. According to local old-timers, among which all kinds of legends are passed from mouth to mouth, staying on a boulder heals people from a variety of diseases, and women, moreover, from infertility!

Orthodox priests almost in every sermon persuaded and even scared the local parishioners by the fact that in the stone to which they are accustomed to walk, there lives an evil force, sending their souls to hell even during earthly life.

The very first settlement on The shores of Lake Pleshcheyevo appeared more than two thousand years ago. Pioneer settlers were Finns, of course, pagans, but did not bring bloody sacrifices. The place of the settlement was attracted by the fact that a mountain 30 meters high above the water rose here and the remote surrounding surroundings were easily seen from here.

When the tribe arrived on this mountain, the "Blue Stone" lay on its top. It is quite natural that the pagan settlers immediately deified the boulder, made an equal platform around it, at the edge of which they placed the pagan chapel.

Even when the Orthodoxy was firmly established in Russia, the population of the coastal areas of Pleshcheyevo Lake (even true Christians!) ceased to worship the miraculous boulder and secretly idolized him . At that time, Orthodox priests almost in every sermon persuaded and even scared the local parishioners by the fact that in the stone they are accustomed to walking there is an unclean force, which leads their souls to hell even during a terrestrial life . However, neither intimidation nor exhortation stopped people from worshiping a mysterious boulder . To him they walked, and still go, both old and young, without fail leaving their own modest offerings and whispering at the same time their secret desires .

Hsin-stone and the Ancient Sanctuary

Then at last local clergymen insisted before the hierarchs of the Church that they "cast the idol of the damned" off the mountain. And they did. Now the stone is located at the foot of the mountain, but people, as before, continued to gather near it to send their frankly pagan rites.

Today the soil almost absorbed the boulder. Therefore, those who now come to admire them, see only a small area about 30 centimeters high.

Address: Pereslavsky District, Alexandrova Gora

 Xin-stone, Pereslavl-Zalessky  Xin-stone
 Monets, Xin-stone, Pereslavl-Zalessky  Xin- stone
Monets, Xin-stone
 Xin-stone in autumn, Pereslavl-Zalessky  Xin-stone
Hsin-stone in autumn