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"Business Card" Rostov tourism - the Kremlin with its five temples, the Assumption Cathedral and the complex of residential buildings, enclosed with thick walls. In its original designation, the Kremlin was the residence of the bishops of the Rostov-Yaroslavl diocese. It can be divided into three separate parts. Central - this is actually the bishop's court. In the northern part is the former cathedral square with the Assumption Cathedral, and in the south - the metropolitan garden.

The Kremlin also became famous for the fact that the episodes of Gaidai's film "Ivan Vasilievich is changing profession" were shot here.

Bishops' Court

Attached by high walls with beautiful towers, decorated with numerous heads of churches and tents tower, courtyard of Bishops, which is now referred to as the Rostov Kremlin, was built in the 1660s on the site of an old and much more modest Bishops house, which survived only Fr. The building was built in.

The first church built, a kind of cornerstone of the ensemble, was the Church of the Resurrection of Christ over the northern gate. This is not just a church, but a whole complex architectural complex consisting of a five-domed church, a gateway into three spans, galleries and two towers framing the gates. The Resurrection Church was to perform the role of the Holy Gates in the complex of the Bishops' Court and was oriented outside to the Assumption Cathedral.

Metropolitan Iona Sysoevich did not manage to complete his creation, and his successor, Metropolitan Joasaph, was finishing his work. The complex turned out to be really grandiose: two magnificent Saints with gatehouses overlooking their beauty and the central temple of the courtyard; a lot of stone chambers, a small pond in the middle of the courtyard

The second gigantic gate church - John the Theologian, located above the western gates of the Kremlin . If the Resurrection Church was the first temple of the ensemble, then Ioannovskaya - one of the last @ big and famous Chamber in the Kremlin - Red Chamber . Another great temple of Rostov Kremlin - the church of the Savior on Seni . This - the main, central church of the Bishops' court, which Metropolitan Jonah Sysoevicha both front cHURCH s . Although it is located not in the center, and slightly covered building . to the Savior church abuts the White House, built about the same time to the temple . It is expected that this complex was built exactly on the model of the Patriarch's Palace in Moscow Kremlin .. Rostov Kremlin

Uspensky Cathedral

The existing cathedral is already the fifth in this place; before him in the center of the ancient city four churches were replaced. The first was the cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God "from the wood of the oak," a wooden one, built in 991 under Prince Vladimir, one of the first cathedrals in Russia.

It is known that at the turn of the 12th-13th centuries the father of the hero Alyosha Popovich .

The Cathedral of the Assumption built in the beginning of the 16th century is a truly magnificent building worthy of being the central cathedral of Rostov, one of the main cities of medieval Russia. His architecture is under the clear influence of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin - probably the architects who built the cathedral, visited Moscow and carefully studied the capital's temple. The powerful walls of the Rostov Uspensky Cathedral are divided into three spits from the west by the shoulder blades and four from the north and south.

Initially, the chapters were somewhat different (possibly helmet-shaped), and in the 18th century they were replaced by today's bulbous, covered with shingles. During the Troubles, the cathedral, like the whole city, was captured and plundered by Tatars and Cossacks who were in the army of False Dmitry, and Metropolitan Filaret was taken prisoner and sent to the camp of the Tushinsky thief.

The magnificent baroque iconostasis, preserved to our days, was installed in the cathedral under Archbishop Joachim in 1736 after another fire. The cathedral preserved the burials of many Rostov princes and clergy, including the builder of the Rostov Kremlin, Metropolitan Jonah Sysoyevich. When replacing the floors in 1884 in the southern apse was discovered cancer of St. Leonty -. The gift of Prince Bogolyubsky

complex Cathedral of the Assumption -. It is a separate part of this Rostov Kremlin, and much more ancient. However, all the other temples and walls with towers the architects were able to put such a way that they become one and harmoniously combines the architectural ensemble, one of the most beautiful in Russia.


The famous Rostov belfry was built in the cathedral in 1682-1687 in two stages . Of course, before it was an older octagonal bell tower, the foundation of which was discovered by archaeologists south of the cathedral ."Bell-towers" at the Assumption Cathedral were repeatedly mentioned in the Rostov chronicles . A little later an additional pillar was attached to the largest bell and a bell weighing 33 tons was placed there, named Sysoy in honor of the father of Metropolitan Iona Sysoyevich, the customer of the bells . And now in the repertoire of Rostov bells there is a special "Ringing with Sisoy" .

Everyone who has even been interested in the history of Russia or the Golden Ring knows about the bell-ringing of Rostov. The notes of many of the tones that are still being executed are preserved: Ioninsky, Georgievsky, Kolyazinsky ...

Useful information

Work schedule: daily from 10.00 to 17.00, except January 1. Frescoes and fortress walls are open for viewing from May 1 to 1.

Entrance fee: full (single tickets): adult - 300 rubles, children - 180 rubles; preferential tickets for students of secondary special educational institutions and universities - 200 rubles, for pensioners - 180 rubles

Address: Rostov Veliky, the Kremlin; tel .: +7 (48536) 6-17-17.

 Rostov the Great, Rostov Veliky  Rostov Kremlin
Rostov Kremlin
 Uspensky Cathedral, Rostov Kremlin, Rostov Veliky  Rostov Kremlin
Assumption Cathedral, Rostov Kremlin
 Inside the Assumption Cathedral, the Rostov Kremlin, Rostov Veliky  The Rostov Kremlin
Inside the Assumption Cathedral, the Rostov Kremlin

Reviews of the Rostov Kremlin (1)


Travel to the origins of Russia. Rostov Kremlin July 17, 2014

was here in July 2013
What an old Russian city and without its own Kremlin. Rostov the Great is no exception. Many historians believe that it was with this city that the great Rus' history began.
The Rostov Kremlin, like many Russians, I first saw in the frames of a famous film by L. Gaidai "Ivan Vasilievich is changing his profession." Personnel connected with the tsar's life were filmed in the walls of the Kremlin, as well as the belfry. Her 15 bells performed music on the "guidance" of the hero of the film, which was played by L. Kuravlev. Now ... Read the full review
 Rostov Kremlin  Rostov Kremlin  Rostov Kremlin