Add a review about the Kremlin Pereslavl-Zalesskogo

Despite the modest size of the city to see all the sights of Pereslavl-Zalesskiy may not be enough for a whole weekend. It starts with the center of the city - the Kremlin, ringed with an ancient earthen rampart 12 meters high and 10 meters wide. Here, at a small distance from each other, are the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior with a monument to Alexander Nevsky in front of him, the church of Peter the Metropolitan and the St. Vladimir's Cathedral remaining from the small Sretensky Boroditsky Monastery and the church of Alexander Nevsky.

For comparison, we note that the perimeter of the Moscow Kremlin is 850 m, which is three times less than the Pereslavl-Zalessky Kremlin. By the way, both structures were laid by the order of Yuri Dolgoruky


In the 11th century on the northern shore of Pleshcheeva Lake near Alexandrovoy mountain was the ancient city of Kleshchin. From it, apparently, the lake and got its name. Now from Kleschin there were only ramparts.

In 1152 Yuri Dolgoruky moved the fortress to a more spacious place east of the lake. And he named the settlement of Pereyaslavl in honor of Pereyaslavl-Russian (now Pereyaslavl-Khmelnitsky in the Kiev region of Ukraine), the capital of the Prieyaslavl princedom. The Kremlin was surrounded by ramparts with wooden fortress walls, which, alas, did not save it from troubles: several times it was destroyed by the Tatar-Mongols (in the 13-15 centuries), and Lithuanians - in 1608. In 1759, the wooden walls completely decayed and were dismantled. Now only 10 m high trees are preserved from the Kremlin.

Now the local Red Square is planted with a lawn, pedestrian paths are laid along it, goats of local residents are grazed.

And at one time in the square on the ringing of the bell veche gathered and various solemn events. In 1152, Yuri Dolgoruky began construction of the Savior's Transfiguration Cathedral on it, which was completed by Andrey Bogolyubsky in 1157. It is one of the oldest temples of Rus, preserved to this day.

For nearly 900 years, the cathedral under its weight sank to the ground at 90 cm.
Views of Pereslavl-Zalessky

On May 30, 1220 Alexander Nevsky was born in the Princes' Chambers, who was baptized in the Transfiguration Cathedral, where his museum is now located.

The Pereslavl Kremlin (or Detinets) Yuri Dolgoruky's time has come down to our days in the form of a ring of ramparts, the walls and towers were made of wood. But Pereslavl is one of the largest in Russia: its length is 2, 5 km, its height is up to 18 m, it covers most of the county center. A park is broken along the shaft, and along the ridge there is a path, from which beautiful views are opened. At the edge of the shaft - Red Square.

In the Kremlin there is a kind of temple ensemble, consisting of the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and the Church of Alexander Nevsky. Despite the fact that the temples were built at different times, they are executed in the same style and serve today as the visiting card of the whole Pereslavl Kremlin.

Address: Pereslavl-Zalessky, st. The Soviet.