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In the 20th century, again devastated and almost completely rebuilt over the past decade. Nikitsky monastery, whose heads are seen on the outskirts of the city towards Rostov, founded in the middle of the 12th century by Prince Boris Vladimirovich, in order to convert the local inhabitants of the pagans into Christianity.

This is the oldest monastery of Pereslavl-Zalesskiy, according to some sources founded earlier 1186 The legend says that it was founded by Prince Boris, the son of Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko


The monastery became known for the exploits of the Pereslavl St. Nikita Stylites. Nikita before his tonsure as a monk was a princely collector of taxes under Yuri Dolgoruk and enjoyed the extremely bad reputation of a bribe-taker and greedy person until he repented and went to the monastery.

According to some legends, he was forced to repent by a vision of human blood in a cauldron with food in his house, on the other - news of princely anger . Upon arrival to the abbot of the Nikitsky monastery, he was instructed to repent for three days before his admission to the monastery, and after the tonsure he wore, without taking off, the chains (chains of iron) and the stone cap . He was endowed with the gift of doctors Nia and the expulsion of demons; among the people healed by them was the Chernigov prince Michael . In memory of this healing near the monastery near the road Moscow-Yaroslavl stands the Chernigov chapel, built in 1702 . Nikita Stylnik died or by the hands of people who pretended to be his chains that seemed silver , or during popular unrest, or was killed by the prince's emissaries .

The architecture of the monastery

The Cathedral of Great Martyr Nikita

Was built in the center of the monastery territory at the command of Ivan the Terrible. The southern side-chapel is a temple built by Vasily III in 1520, in fact, the first stone building of the monastery. Its top was built on the construction of a new large cathedral.

The cathedral was subjected to numerous alterations. Once the eight-pitched roof was reworked into a gable roof, for which the stenes of the arc were zakomar and the shape of the cathedral was greatly simplified. The middle dome is unusually large, so that not far from it the smallest side chapters seem to be quite small. In the late 1980's. the central dome unexpectedly collapsed, reconstruction works are now coming to an end.

Refectory Chamber with the Annunciation Church

In the western rooms on the second floor of the chambers probably stopped, Peter I during his first visits to Pereslavl. The refectory with the church was greatly rebuilt in the 17th century. By this time, the external decoration of the church and the refectory; In the first and second tier the decor of the building differs. Particularly interesting are the window frames of the second tier of apses, differing in minor details

The tent belltower

Adjoining the refectory, is located between the Nikitsky cathedral and the Annunciation church. The pillar is octagonal, decorated with horizontal bands. The bell and ringing ground, covered with a tent with "rumors", is surrounded by wide arched openings.

The new bell tower

Gateway, in three tiers, was built in the first decades of the XIX century. In it was built the temple of the Archangel Gabriel. The belfry is much higher than the old one and is kept in the traditions of its time, which differs sharply from the rest of the ensemble.

Stone chapel

Behind the tent bell tower, in the interior of the monastery yard there is a stone chapel on the site of the St. Nikita's pillar, built in the 18th century.

Walls and towers

The walls of the monastery, like many other buildings, were erected by order and with the help of Ivan the Terrible. There were three fights in the walls: upper, middle and lower. The walls were laid out of a brick, bound with a special mortar, and large boulders were laid in the foundation. Those who protruded from the walls of the tower allowed them to freely sweep their turrets from one tower to another.

Nikitsky Monastery

Address: Pereslavsky District, p. Nikitskaya Sloboda, st. Zaprudnaya, 20.

 View of Nikitsky Monastery, Pereslavl-Zalessky  Nikitsky Monastery
View of Nikitsky Monastery
 Annunciation Church, Nikitsky Monastery, Pereslavl-Zalessky  Nikitsky Monastery
Annunciation Church, Nikitsky Monastery
 Kupola, Nikitsky Monastery, Pereslavl-Zalessky  Nikitsky Monastery
Kupola, Nikitsky Monastery asterium
 Pillar-chapel, Nikitsky Monastery, Pereslavl-Zalessky  Nikitsky Monastery
Pillar Chapel, Nikitsky Monastery
 Nikitsky Monastery, Pereslavl-Zalessky  Nikitsky Monastery
Nikitsky Monastery